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Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police

Julian Fantino, C.O.M, O.Ont.

The Commissioner of the O.P.P.

 Commissioner Julian Fantino

Commissioner Julian Fantino

Welcome to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) website. I’m pleased that you are interested in our police service. The OPP is a great organization and I am very proud and honoured to be Commissioner.

The OPP is one of North America’s largest deployed police services. We have a long and proud tradition of dedicated service to the people of Ontario. We are committed to maintaining a well-trained, diverse police service that is capable of meeting the challenges of life in the 21st century. You’ll discover this and more when you explore the various sections and features of this site.

For example, our site outlines the responsibilities we have as Ontario’s provincial police service and the priorities we are focusing on to ensure that we are making a difference in the communities we serve. Visiting the different sections of the OPP website is also a great way to find out about the variety of work that the men and women of the OPP are doing every day to ensure that our communities are safe and that our province is secure.

For those who might be interested in a career in policing, there is a direct link to recruitment . Policing needs dedicated men and women and the OPP is definitely recruiting qualified candidates.

Traffic safety is a key priority for me and for this organization. The objective is to improve the safety of drivers on highways and roadways under OPP jurisdiction. Let me tell you briefly what this means.

First, traffic safety is now the responsibility of every OPP officer, every day, all the time, whether the officer is part of regular traffic patrols or not. Traffic safety is now a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, law enforcement priority. We are now proactively and strategically targeting high-risk drivers who threaten everyone’s safety on our roadways. Find out more in the section called "Traffic Safety".

I also want to ensure that crime and safety issues are being addressed. Greater visibility and better focusing of resources on crime issues are just two examples of how this is being done. You’ll find a number of sections on this website addressing these issues.

Let me point out one more important feature of this website: the opportunity to send an e-mail directly to us, if you wish. The OPP looks forward to your comments and suggestions. Thanks for visiting our site.