Home > Disability > Work > If your situation changes


You are receiving a disability pension from the Régie des rentes du Québec. Then, your state of health improves and you decide to start working or to return to work, (perhaps part-time) and your employment income increases.

Returning to work or an increase in your employment earnings does not necessarily mean that you will lose entitlement to your pension.

However, you must notify the Régie of this change in your situation to avoid having to pay back any amounts that you received to which you were not entitled.

What you need to know

  • If you return to work or start to do other work, even temporarily or on a part-time basis, or if your employment income increases, you are required to inform the Régie by telephone or in writing, in accordance with the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan. In order to avoid receiving any overpayments, you must provide certain information that will allow the Régie to decide, based on the conditions defined in the Act, whether to continue or suspend payment of your pension.
  • When you reach age 65 Your disability pension will automatically be replaced by a retirement pension. That pension will be less than your disability pension, but you will probably be entitled to an Old Age Security pension from the federal government.
  • In the event that the Régie deems you to no longer be disabled following a return to work, you will still be entitled to the disability pension payments for the 3 months following the one in which you returned to work.
  • If after returning to work, you again become disabled, you will have to file another application for a disability pension. If the Régie deems you to be disabled again, there will be no waiting period before payment starts.

Did you know that?
The Régie and its employees are committed to making your rights easy to obtain and keeping your contacts with the Régie simple.