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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. RAD toolkit
  2. radio podcast
  3. radio site
  4. radiocast
  5. ranking
  6. rapid application development toolkit
  7. RARP
  8. RARP protocol
  9. RDF
  10. RDF
  11. RDF site summary
  12. RDF site summary format
  13. read notification
  14. reader of blogs
  15. reader of weblogs
  16. Real Encoder
  17. Real Life, In
  18. real luser
  19. Real Player
  20. Real Player client
  21. Real Soon Now
  22. Real system
  23. real-time streaming multimedia
  24. Real-Time Streaming Protocol
  25. real time streaming technology
  26. real time video
  27. RealAudio
  28. RealAudio client-server system
  29. RealAudio Encoder
  30. RealAudio Player
  31. RealAudio system
  32. RealAudio technology
  33. RealFlash animation
  34. really simple syndication
  35. really simple syndication format
  36. RealMedia
  37. RealMedia Architecture
  38. RealMedia encoder
  39. RealMedia Player
  40. RealMedia server
  41. RealMedia system
  42. RealMedia technology
  43. RealVideo
  44. RealVideo Encoder
  45. RealVideo Player
  46. RealVideo system
  47. RealVideo technology
  48. recall ratio
  49. recap
  50. recaplet
  51. receipt notification
  52. reciprocal link exchange
  53. redirect page
  54. redirection
  55. redirection page
  56. refered site
  57. reference, to
  58. referenced site
  59. referenced Web site
  60. referencer
  61. referencing
  62. referencing audit
  63. referencing site
  64. referencing software
  65. refering site
  66. referred site
  67. referring site
  68. reflection
  69. reflector site
  70. regional Internet portal
  71. regional portal
  72. regional portal site
  73. regional Web portal
  74. register, to
  75. registrar
  76. registration
  77. registration audit
  78. registration software
  79. registry
  80. related link
  81. relative hyperlink
  82. relative link
  83. relative URL
  84. relevance feedback
  85. relevancy
  86. relevancy algorithm
  87. relevancy score
  88. remailer
  89. remailer administrator
  90. remailer operator
  91. remailer server
  92. remailer service
  93. remote
  94. remote backup
  95. remote data backup
  96. remote interface
  97. remote loading
  98. Remote Method Invocation
  99. Remote Method Invocation protocol
  100. remote payment
  101. remote station smart terminal
  102. remote televaulting
  103. remote working
  104. Rendez-Vous Protocol
  105. Rendezvous Protocol
  106. request
  107. Request For Comment
  108. Request for Comments
  109. resource
  110. Resource Description Format
  111. Resource Description Framework
  112. Resource Reservation Protocol
  113. resource reservation set-up protocol
  114. results page
  115. returned e-mail
  116. returned mail
  117. returned message
  118. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
  119. reverse auction
  120. reverse auctions
  121. reversible encipherment
  122. reversible encryption
  123. RFC
  124. Rich Media
  125. Rich Media technology
  126. rich site summary
  127. rich site summary format
  128. RIP
  129. RIP protocol
  130. ripping
  131. RISQ
  132. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
  133. RMA
  134. RMA Player
  135. RMI
  136. RMI protocol
  137. roboscope
  138. roboshop
  139. robot
  140. robot librarian
  141. robot network
  142. robotic telescope
  143. robust encryption
  144. roll over menu
  145. rollover
  146. rollover
  147. rollover image
  148. rollover technique
  149. root
  150. root server
  151. router-based firewall
  152. Routing Information Protocol
  153. RP
  154. RSA
  155. RSA algorithm
  156. RSA system
  157. RSN
  158. RSS
  159. RSS aggregation software
  160. RSS aggregator
  161. RSS button
  162. RSS feed aggregator
  163. RSS file format
  164. RSS format
  165. RSS reader
  166. RSVP
  167. RSVP protocol
  168. RTSP
  169. RTSP protocol
  170. RVP
  171. RVP protocol

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