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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. p-mail
  2. p-mail address
  3. P-to-P
  4. P2P
  5. packet
  6. packet filter
  7. packet monkey
  8. packet of data
  9. packet of information
  10. packet over SDH
  11. packet over SONET
  12. packet sniffer
  13. packet-sniffing
  14. packet sniffing
  15. padlock
  16. page hit
  17. page impression
  18. page view
  19. paid-for ISP
  20. paid Internet service provider
  21. paid ISP
  22. paired tags
  23. PAP
  24. PAP authentication protocol
  25. PAP protocol
  26. parental control software
  27. parody site
  28. parody Web site
  29. parse tree
  30. partial URL
  31. password
  32. password authentication protocol
  33. password sniffing
  34. Path Vector Protocol
  35. pathological Internet use
  36. Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
  37. pay per click
  38. pay-per-click
  39. pay-per-use
  40. PBNM
  41. PC/LAN-compatible office laser fax
  42. PDF
  43. PDF file
  44. PDF format
  45. PDP
  46. PDS
  47. peer to peer
  48. peer-to-peer
  49. Peer to Peer protocol
  50. peer-to-peer technology
  51. peering
  52. peering agreement
  53. peering arrangement
  54. PEP
  55. performance measurement
  56. performance metric
  57. Perl
  58. Perl language
  59. Perl scripting language
  60. permalink
  61. permanent hyperlink
  62. permanent hypertext link
  63. permanent IP address
  64. permanent link
  65. persistence
  66. persistent client side state object
  67. persistent cookie
  68. persistent universe game
  69. persistent world game
  70. perso page
  71. personal blog
  72. personal firewall
  73. personal home page
  74. personal home site
  75. personal identifier
  76. personal journal blog
  77. personal journal weblog
  78. personal page
  79. personal site
  80. personal Web page
  81. personal Web site
  82. personal weblog
  83. persoweb
  84. pervasive computing
  85. PGML
  86. PGML format
  87. PGML Language
  88. PGP
  89. PGP encryption software
  90. PGP software
  91. phish, to
  92. phish e-mail
  93. phish email
  94. phish spam
  95. phisher
  96. phishing
  97. phishing e-mail
  98. phishing email
  99. phishing scam
  100. phishing spam
  101. phlog
  102. phlog, to
  103. phloger
  104. phlogger
  105. phlogging
  106. phloging
  107. phone dialer
  108. phone freak
  109. phone phishing
  110. phone phreak
  111. photo blog
  112. photo bloger
  113. photo blogger
  114. photo blogging
  115. photo bloging
  116. photo podcast
  117. photo weblog
  118. photo weblogging
  119. photo webloging
  120. photoblog
  121. photoblog, to
  122. photobloger
  123. photoblogger
  124. photoblogging
  125. photobloging
  126. photocast
  127. photographic blog
  128. photographic weblog
  129. photoweblog
  130. photoweblog, to
  131. phreaker
  132. phreaking
  133. physical style
  134. physical tag
  135. physical text style tag
  136. physiological biometrics
  137. physiological biometry
  138. picking
  139. picoJAVA
  140. picoJava
  141. PicoJava
  142. PICS
  143. picture search engine
  144. PIM
  145. PIM protocol
  146. pinboard
  147. Ping
  148. pirate site
  149. PIU
  150. PKI
  151. place of e-business
  152. Platform for Internet Content Selection
  153. play, to
  154. play-list
  155. play list
  156. playlist
  157. plug-in
  158. plug-in software
  159. plug in to Internet, to
  160. plug in to the Internet, to
  161. plugged in to the Internet
  162. plugin
  163. PNG
  164. PNG format
  165. podcast
  166. podcast, to
  167. podcast aggregator
  168. podcast file
  169. podcast receiver
  170. podcastable
  171. podcaster
  172. podcasting
  173. podcatcher
  174. podcatcher software
  175. podcatching software
  176. Point-to-Point Protocol
  177. Point to Point Protocol
  178. Point-to-Point serial line Protocol
  179. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
  180. Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol
  181. poliblog
  182. policy-based network management
  183. policy-based networking
  184. policy-based routing
  185. policy decision point
  186. policy enforcement point
  187. policy networking
  188. policy server
  189. Polite Agent
  190. Polite Agent delivery technology
  191. politic blog
  192. politic weblog
  193. political blog
  194. political weblog
  195. poliweblog
  196. polygraphic substitution
  197. POP
  198. POP mail client
  199. POP mail program
  200. POP mail software
  201. POP3
  202. port
  203. port number
  204. port scan
  205. port scanner
  206. port scanning
  207. Portable Display Format
  208. Portable Document Format
  209. Portable Document Format file
  210. portable MP3 player
  211. Portable Network Graphic
  212. Portable Network Graphics
  213. Portable Network Graphics Format
  214. portal
  215. portal page
  216. portal site
  217. portlet
  218. PoS
  219. positionable layer
  220. positioning
  221. post
  222. post
  223. post, to
  224. post, to
  225. Post Office Protocol
  226. Post Office Protocol version 3
  227. post office server
  228. postal address
  229. postal mail
  230. postal mail address
  231. posted
  232. posting
  233. posting
  234. postmaster
  235. powered by
  236. PPC
  237. PPP
  238. PPP protocol
  239. PPTP
  240. Practical Extraction and Report Language
  241. Pre-Format tag
  242. PRE tag
  243. pre-templated site
  244. Precision Graphics Markup Language
  245. Precision Graphics Markup Language format
  246. preformat tag
  247. Pretty Good Privacy
  248. Pretty Good Privacy encryption software
  249. price manipulation
  250. print friendly version
  251. printable version
  252. printer friendly version
  253. privacy statement
  254. private blog
  255. private channel
  256. private chatroom
  257. private key
  258. private weblog
  259. probing
  260. Products and Services Classification Standard
  261. professional blog
  262. professional portal
  263. professional weblog
  264. profiling
  265. program daemon
  266. programmable terminal
  267. promotion blog
  268. promotion site
  269. promotion weblog
  270. promotional blog
  271. promotional site
  272. promotional weblog
  273. property node
  274. protected
  275. Protocol Independent Multicast
  276. provider
  277. proxy
  278. proxy address
  279. proxy agent
  280. proxy bastion
  281. proxy cache
  282. proxy cache server
  283. proxy IP address
  284. proxy port
  285. proxy replication
  286. proxy/replication server
  287. proxy server
  288. proxy server address
  289. public blog
  290. public domain software
  291. public hotspot
  292. public key
  293. public-key algorithm
  294. public key cryptographic algorithm
  295. public-key cryptography
  296. Public Key Infrastructure
  297. public/private key pair
  298. public weblog
  299. pull
  300. pull-casting
  301. pull model
  302. pull technology
  303. pullcasting
  304. pundit blog
  305. pundit weblog
  306. punditblog
  307. pure Internet player
  308. pure play
  309. pure-play dotcom
  310. pure-play Internet company
  311. pure player
  312. push
  313. push and pull
  314. push channel
  315. push client software
  316. push media
  317. push media software
  318. push-media technology
  319. push model
  320. push/pull
  321. push-pull
  322. push/pull broadcasting software
  323. push/pull broadcasting technology
  324. push-pull media
  325. push/pull model
  326. push-pull server
  327. push/pull server technology
  328. push-pull technology
  329. push server
  330. push software
  331. push technology
  332. pushed media
  333. pushware
  334. put in bookmarks, to
  335. put on-line, to
  336. put online, to
  337. pwd

Portail du Gouvernement du Québec