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Nature as far as the eye can see


What's the best way to describe Abitibi-Témiscamingue? Endless forests and countless lakes and waterways—in other words, immense spaces that are still intact! Huge parks and lots of hunting/fishing outfitters, wildlife reserves and nature centres mean nonstop outdoor recreation. Two waves of migrants populated this immense region, so far from major cities and barely one hundred years old—first came the woodsmen, fur traders and land-clearers, then the prospectors drawn by the gold rush. Proud of its history, Abitibi-Témiscamingue is a dynamic region with plenty for tourists to do, including museums, mining tours and industrial tours.

A trip to mining and fur country

Abitibi-TémiscamingueVisit the Cité de l'Or (gold city) and explore what used to be the richest gold mine in Québec—the Lamaque mine, closed since 1985. This expedition will take you 300 feet underground! Admire an amazing collection of minerals at the Musée minéralogique de Malartic, or learn more about the geology of the Témiscamingue region at the Centre thématique fossilifère. At the Fort-Temiscamingue National Historical Site, on Lake Timiskaming, you can visit an important hub of the 18th-century fur trade.

Outdoor adventures

More info on this photo...To truly enjoy the wide-open spaces in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, you must take in its preserved natural areas! In Parc national d'Aiguebelle, a landscape of rocky cliffs sculpted by glaciers and lava, will leave you breathless. At almost 14,000 km² (5,404 sq. mi.), the Réserve faunique La Vérendrye wildife reserve has more than 4,000 lakes and rivers (including the Ottawa River), making it a real paradise for fishing and canoeing enthusiasts. Cycle down the Moccasin Line, a multiuse path built on the old railways between Ville-Marie and Laverlochère, to thoroughly enjoy the unspoiled beauty of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. 

Abitibi-Témiscamingue awaits you in all its natural splendour!

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