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As far as the eye can see

La Grande Rivière

Talk about wide open spaces! The Baie-James territory, covering 350,000 km2 (135,100 sq. mi.), is sprinkled with countless lakes and rivers. The Assinica and Lacs-Albanel-Mistassini-et-Waconichi wildlife reserves form Québec’s largest reserve, and Lac Mistassini is a veritable landlocked sea, with a surface area of 4,275 km2 (1,650 sq. mi.). From the 49th to the 52nd parallel, you’re surrounded by the boreal forest and its characteristic black spruce trees. The taiga gradually takes over from the 52nd to the 55th parallel, with the trees becoming sparser and shorter.

Power, naturally

The rivers of the Baie-James area have given rise to massive hydroelectric facilities, including the La Grande 1 power plant and the Robert Bourassa generating facility. From 1950 to present day, some 185,000 workers have spent time in the region building these complexes. Learn the full story by visiting the Parc Robert-A.-Boyd historical site, which has a recreated exploration camp. The territory also boasts mineral treasures: gold, silver, copper and zinc. At the Centre d'intérêt minier de Chibougamau, a mining interpretation centre, you can see how mines have evolved over time.

Nature in her vast glory

Baie-JamesThe region’s seemingly infinite wildlands offer an unmatched opportunity to become one with nature. Known for its abundant fish and wildlife, the Baie-James region is a favourite spot among hunting and fishing enthusiasts who are well acquainted with the destination. Some visitors come to observe or hunt caribou (a large herd winters here). Snowmobilers can take advantage of interregional trails, including trail 93 that links Abitibi-Témiscamingue to Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean! Exceptional snow conditions mean you can pursue this activity from December (sometimes even the end of November) to the end of April. And we mustn’t forget the shows put on by the heavens, for in Baie-James they frequently turn on their dazzling northern lights.

Cree country

photoBaie-James, located 725 km (450 mi.) north of Montréal, has been inhabited by Aboriginals for the past 4,000 years. Today, 12,000 Cree and 17,500 non-Aboriginals (known as Jamésiens) live here. The village of Oujé Bougoumou invites visitors to share the Cree way of life: authentic meals, unique arts and crafts, amazing ancient stories and traditional activities in harmony with nature. Recently constructed to bring together several smaller villages that were previously dispersed, this municipality of 600 inhabitants is recognized by the United Nations as one of 50 villages that blend Native tradition and modern life, ecological values and technological values. 

Experience nature at its most spectacular in Baie-James!

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