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An exotic maritime destination


Dunes as far as the eye can see await you in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Lagoons, capes, green valleys, red cliffs and brightly painted houses are what make this archipelago, comprised of a dozen islands in the heart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, so scenic. It is a treat to explore the Îles-de-la-Madeleine on bicycle, horseback or foot. However, why not tour the coast in a canoe, zodiac or kayak? The strong winds, shallow bays and spectacular coastline are a windsurfer's dream come true. As for the long, practically deserted sandy beaches, they are perfect for relaxing and swimming!

Seals and birds by the thousands

PhotoSeals are very common around the archipelago and can be observed year round. Near the end of February, hundreds of thousands of the mammals come to the ice floes off the islands to bear their young. This is the perfect time for observing whitecoat pups! Visit the Seal Interpretation Centre to learn more about this phenomenon. Come see some 200 species of birds at the marine and aquatic bird sanctuary by taking the Sentier d'interprétation Le Barachois interpretation trail, visiting the Pointe-de-l'Est National Wildlife Area or even joining an expedition to the Refuge du Rocher-aux-oiseaux bird sanctuary or the Réserve écologique de l'île Brion ecological reserve.

Maritime pleasures

Îles-de-la-MadeleineFishing is the main commercial activity on the islands, so don't miss the opportunity to savour lobster, fish and other ocean delicacies. Or even go mackerel or cod fishing yourself! To discover the origins of the traditional method of smoking herring, visit the Fumoir d'antan. Visit the Island Aquarium and learn more about the fish, sea mammals, starfish, crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic life forms that live off the coast of the archipelago. Finally, make your way to the Musée de la mer and learn more about the islands' maritime history. You can access the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by airplane, by ferry from Prince Edward Island, or by cruise ship (departing from Montréal). 

Îles-de-la-Madeleine: Where people go to get away!

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