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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. Handheld Device Mark-up Language
  2. Handheld Device Markup Language
  3. handheld MP3 player
  4. handle
  5. hash
  6. hash algorithm
  7. hash digest
  8. hash digest function
  9. hash function
  10. hash tool
  11. hash value
  12. HDML
  13. HDML mark-up language
  14. head
  15. head
  16. head anchor
  17. header
  18. header information
  19. heading
  20. hidden Web
  21. hierarchical name
  22. hierarchy
  23. high-performance Internet
  24. high-speed Internet
  25. high-speed Internet access
  26. hit
  27. hit
  28. hit counter
  29. home interface
  30. home net box
  31. home page
  32. honey net
  33. honeynet
  34. honeypot
  35. horizontal e-market place
  36. horizontal e-marketplace
  37. horizontal market place
  38. horizontal marketplace
  39. host, to
  40. host-based firewall
  41. host blog
  42. host-blogger
  43. host blogger
  44. host client software
  45. host group
  46. host IP address
  47. host name
  48. host-resident distributed firewall
  49. host-resident firewall
  50. host weblog
  51. host weblogger
  52. hostblogger
  53. hosted site
  54. hosted Web site
  55. hoster
  56. hoster server
  57. hosting
  58. hosting account
  59. hosting provider
  60. hosting server
  61. hot area
  62. hot chat
  63. hot list
  64. hot site
  65. hot spot
  66. HotJava
  67. HotJava browser
  68. hotlist
  69. hotspot
  70. hotspot
  71. house, to
  72. HTML
  73. HTML attribute
  74. HTML authoring tool
  75. HTML bug
  76. HTML command
  77. HTML comment
  78. HTML-conversion program
  79. HTML-conversion tool
  80. HTML converter
  81. HTML designer
  82. HTML document
  83. HTML editing program
  84. HTML editing software
  85. HTML editing tool
  86. HTML editor
  87. HTML element
  88. HTML file
  89. HTML format
  90. HTML layer
  91. HTML logical character tag
  92. HTML markup tag
  93. HTML Meta tag
  94. HTML on-the-fly
  95. HTML page
  96. HTML pages
  97. HTML physical character tag
  98. HTML source
  99. HTML table
  100. HTML tag
  101. HTML validation tool
  102. HTML verifier
  103. HTMLer
  104. HTTP
  105. HTTP cookie
  106. HTTP server
  107. human-centric
  108. human engine
  109. human search engine
  110. Hydra
  111. hyperlink
  112. hyperlink, to
  113. hypermedia
  114. hypertext
  115. hypertext document
  116. hypertext jump
  117. hypertext link
  118. HyperText Markup Language
  119. HyperText Transfer Protocol
  120. HyperText Transport Protocol
  121. Hypertext transport protocol
  122. hypertextual
  123. hypertextual link
  124. hyperword
  125. Hytelnet

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