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Vocabulaire d'Internet - Banque de terminologie du Québec
  Index des termes anglais
  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  1. O-EDI
  2. Object Management Architecture
  3. object oriented Web
  4. Object Request Broker
  5. Object Web
  6. occurrence
  7. octo-processor server
  8. ODMA
  9. ODMA standard
  10. off-line browser
  11. off-line browsing
  12. off-line Web browser
  13. office net box
  14. offline browsing
  15. OFX
  16. OFX specification
  17. Ogg Vorbis
  18. Ogg Vorbis format
  19. OMA
  20. on-line
  21. on line
  22. on-line brochure
  23. on-line consultation
  24. on-line directory
  25. on-line education
  26. on-line fillable
  27. on-line game
  28. on-line learning
  29. on-line request for proposal
  30. on-line request for quotation
  31. on-line request for quote
  32. on-line survey
  33. on-lining
  34. on-screen fillable
  35. once-only key
  36. ONE
  37. one-key cryptosystem
  38. one-time key
  39. one-way encipherment
  40. one-way encryption
  41. online
  42. online ad
  43. online administration
  44. online advertising
  45. online advertizing
  46. online assisted selling
  47. online auction
  48. online auction sale
  49. online awareness
  50. online backup
  51. online bank
  52. online bank counsellor
  53. online banking
  54. online bench
  55. online benchmarking
  56. online bill
  57. online billing
  58. online bookstore
  59. online brochure
  60. online business exchange
  61. online buyer
  62. online care
  63. online catalog
  64. online chat session
  65. online chatting session
  66. online child predation
  67. online click-wrap agreement
  68. online commerce
  69. online commerce software
  70. online commerce solution
  71. online community
  72. online computer service
  73. online consultation
  74. online consumer
  75. online contract
  76. online coupon
  77. online couponing
  78. online couponning
  79. online credit card order
  80. online customer
  81. online customer care
  82. online data service
  83. online democracy
  84. online dial-up service
  85. online directory
  86. online education
  87. online eroticism
  88. online exchange
  89. online flier
  90. online flyer
  91. online game
  92. online game, to
  93. online governance
  94. online government
  95. online handle
  96. online home banking
  97. online information service
  98. online interchange
  99. online invoicing
  100. online journal
  101. online learning
  102. online magazine
  103. online mall
  104. online market
  105. online marketing
  106. online marketplace
  107. online mentoring
  108. online merchant
  109. online music
  110. online newspaper
  111. online nickname
  112. online order
  113. online order form
  114. online payment
  115. online poll
  116. online porn
  117. online pornography
  118. online predation
  119. online procurement
  120. online purchase
  121. online purchase order
  122. online purchasing order
  123. online radio
  124. online recruiting
  125. online recruitment
  126. online religion
  127. online research
  128. online reverse auction
  129. online reverse auctions
  130. online sale
  131. online sale contract
  132. online salesman
  133. online security
  134. online seminar
  135. online service
  136. online service provider
  137. online shop
  138. online shopkeeper
  139. online shopper
  140. online shopping
  141. online shopping center
  142. online shopping centre
  143. online shopping mall
  144. online store
  145. online storefront
  146. online supermarket
  147. online supply business director
  148. online survey
  149. online ticket office
  150. online ticketing
  151. online training
  152. online transaction
  153. online update
  154. online updating
  155. online window-shopping
  156. onlining
  157. OP
  158. Open Document Management API
  159. Open Document Management API Standard
  160. Open Document Management Application Program Interface
  161. open-EDI
  162. Open-EDI scenario
  163. Open-EDI Standard
  164. open electronic data interchange
  165. Open Financial Exchange
  166. Open Financial Exchange specification
  167. Open Inventor
  168. Open Network Environment
  169. Open Profile Standard
  170. Open Profiling Standard
  171. open relay
  172. open relay server
  173. Open System Interface
  174. Open Systems Interconnect reference model
  175. Open Systems Interconnection
  176. Open Systems Interconnection model
  177. Open Systems Interconnection reference model
  178. open the mail
  179. opening page
  180. OPS
  181. opt-in e-mail list
  182. opt-in list
  183. opt-in mailing list
  184. opt-out e-mail list
  185. opt-out list
  186. opt-out mailing list
  187. optical based IP network
  188. optical Internet
  189. optical IP
  190. optical IP network
  191. ORB
  192. ordered list
  193. organism site
  194. organism Web site
  195. origin message
  196. original message
  197. originating tag
  198. orphan hypertext link
  199. orphan link
  200. orphaned link
  201. OSI
  202. OSI model
  203. OSI reference model
  204. OSI-RF
  205. out-basket
  206. out basket
  207. out-box
  208. outbound link
  209. outbox
  210. outcoming link
  211. outgoing link
  212. output page

Portail du Gouvernement du Québec