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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Calendar of Events Maps and Photographs of Grounds Application Form
Legislative Precinct Regulation Contact Information

Public Use of Legislative Grounds

Please Note: the front lawns of the Parliament Buildings are now closed due to weather conditions and will re-open next Spring.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia may grant permission for use of the Grounds of the Parliament Buildings to the public for non-commercial events.


All events must abide by the Legislative Precinct Regulation and the following guidelines:

  • The interior of the Parliament Building is only for use by the Legislative Assembly and Provincial Government. Choirs may be permitted to perform in the Upper Rotunda at certain times.
  • Commercial advertising is not permitted on the grounds.
  • The sale of goods or services are not permitted on the grounds.
  • Solicitation of donations or memberships are not permitted on the grounds.
  • Objects, such as signs, posters or banners, may not be attached to the grounds, buildings, trees or other property.
  • To protect the sprinkler system, tent poles or stakes cannot be driven into the ground or lawns.
  • Events must not interfere with public tours. Hourly public tours of the Parliament Buildings are offered on weekdays in the winter and every 20 minutes, seven days a week in the summer.
  • Approval for use of the grounds is not transferable.
  • Liability insurance may be required.
  • The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia reserves the right to cancel a booking without advance notice.


  • Choirs performing in the Upper Rotunda are restricted to 12:00 - 1:00 pm during September - April and are not permitted indoors during the summer season.
  • Choirs are restricted to 50 in number.
  • Choirs must perform without musical accompaniment.


  • Wedding photographs are restricted to a 1.5 hour time allotments to accommodate the many requests received.
  • Wedding ceremonies are not permitted on the grounds.
  • Photographers are not granted exclusive use of the grounds.

General Information

Areas of the grounds are granted permission for such events as band performances on the front steps of the Legislature, choirs in the Upper Rotunda of the Parliament Buildings and photographic sessions on the rear steps of the Legislative Library or in the Premier’s Rose Garden behind the East Annex. Many large public events are held on the front lawns and driveway of the Legislature.

Please note that the front lawns are closed between October and April to prevent damage and overuse. Exact dates of closure and re-opening are determined each year pending weather conditions.

How to Apply

You must submit an application form and comply with the regulations as set out in the Legislative Precinct Regulation and the guidelines outlined above. An on-line application is available or you can contact us to request an application. The Legislative Assembly requests a minimum of 2 weeks notice in order to assist you in securing the date and time for your proposed event. Be sure to include all of your requirements on the application form.

Once an application is received, you will be contacted about your tentative event. Many proposed events require a meeting between the event organizer and Legislative Assembly staff to review your application and confirm details. Please note that whoever attends this meeting on behalf of the sponsoring organization must be the same individual who is the on-site contact for the day of your event. A letter authorizing use of the area requested will be sent to you upon approval and is not transferable.

Planning your Event

Please check the Calendar of Events to ensure the date and time you are proposing is not already booked. Please note that approval to use the grounds does not constitute exclusive use. Event organizers must cooperate with all other persons using the grounds.

NOTE: It is very important to remember that the Parliament Buildings are a place of work and events must not interfere with the normal functioning of the Legislative Assembly and other offices in the Parliament Buildings.

Event Set-Up


We recommend a two hour period for public events. If events are longer, you may be required to provide portable toilets.


Choirs and bands may request access to chairs and tables which are available in a limited number. You are responsible for their set-up and return to the Parliament Buildings.


Access to electricity is limited with only 15 amperage service.


Vehicle access, if approved, is limited to only unloading/loading equipment for events. There is no parking available at the Parliament Buildings.


It is important to note that garbage facilities are not provided by the Legislative Assembly for your event. You are required to clean up after your event and remove the litter when you leave.

We look forward to helping you with your proposed event. Please contact us with any questions you may have.