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Welcome to Interior Health!
Promoting healthy lifestyles and providing needed health services in a timely, caring and efficient manner, to the highest professional and quality standards



Let’s have a heart to heart … before it’s too late!

Copyright: Interior Health

According to recent research, less than half (46%) of women are aware that heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. And only 38% of women have discussed heart health with their physician or healthcare provider.


A healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity and good nutrition, helps prevent chronic disease and improve the quality of life. Interior Health is encouraging people to take a proactive approach to health. This is another way that our region can locally show its support to the provincial government’s ActNow BC goals of increasing healthy living and physical activity among British Columbians.


Interior Health offers these simple tips to help you recognize the signs and steps to a healthy heart:

  • Know your numbers. Talk to your physician or health care provider and know what is right for your blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels.
  • Don’t smoke, or if you do, quit. Female smokers are two to six times more likely to suffer a heart attack. For help, visit or call 1-877-455-2233.
  • Get moving. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on most days of the week. Ten minutes for three times a day or 30 minutes all at once is equally good.
  • Eat right. Watch your weight and choose a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat. For info, call Dial-a-Dietitian at 1-800-667-3438.
  • Know the signs and seek help without delay. They can be different for men and women:


  • Chest pain or pressure or discomfort
  • Pain in arm, neck, jaw or back
  • Sweating, nausea


  • Vague or crushing chest pain that can spread to arm, neck, jaw and shoulders
  • Nausea, vomiting, or indigestion
  • Extreme onset of weakness, shortness of breath, sweating
  • Feelings of anxiety, denial or fear

If you have a heart problem, get more information on our Chronic Disease Health Improvement Networks at

Interior Health Heart to Heart News Release

February is Heart Month – keep your's healthy!


News! ... the most recent Interior Health News Releases.

Hillside Psychiatric Centre
in Kamloops is now officially open. Click here for details and photos of the new facility. 

It’s Flu Season!

BC HealthFiles Resources:

·         How to take care of myself

·         When to call the doctor

Is it a Cold or is it the Flu?

·         Colds develop a runny nose and don’t often develop a fever.

·         Influenza starts with muscle ache, headache and fever and often develops a dry cough. 

If you suspect you have the flu, stay home, drink plenty of fluids, get lots of rest and consult your family physician if your symptoms don’t improve – especially if you have other health concerns. You can still get a flu shot.
For Interior Health Flu shot guidelines, facts and elegibility, click here 

The best way to prevent the spread of illness is to wash your hands. Put up our Handwashing Poster.  Link to more Handwashing Tips.

Searching for health services in your community?  Looking for a medical specialist or a family doctor?  Check out our newly updated

Pandemic Preparation in BC

(BC Centre for Disease Control for BC HealthFiles)

·  What is Pandemic Influenza?

·  Staying Healthy During a Pandemic

·  Self-Care During a Pandemic

·  Immunization During a Pandemic

· Antiviral Drugs During a Pandemic

Office of the Provincial Health Officer: Pandemic Influenza

"Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report"
Surgical Wait Times: Provincial Gvt. Registry

Child Immunization resources,
click here

Interior Health "Health Centres" (Link) 

Mental Health Resources (link)

Ministry of Health Links:

Website:  news from the Ministry of Health Services
BC HealthFiles:  information on health & safety related subjects

BC HealthGuide OnLine

BC Centre for Disease Control


BC NurseLine
Toll Free: 1-866-215-4700
Deaf / hearing impaired (toll-free):1-866-TTY-4700

©2002 - 2005 Interior Health Authority. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated: 2/13/2006