Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Industrial Minerals

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Natural Stone

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ARIS Assessment Reports
Bedrock Mapping
Educational Resources
Exploration & Mines
Geology of BC
Geophysical Data
Geoscience Agencies
Industrial Minerals
MINFILE Mineral Inventory
Mineral Properties Available
Metallic Minerals
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral Potential
Publications Catalogue
Staff: Who Are We?
Surficial Geology & Hazards
Terrain & Soil Maps
What's New

Industrial minerals are in increasingly significant component of B.C.'s mineral wealth.  British Columbia has excellent geological potential for over 40 industrial mineral commodities and there are already over 2400 industrial mineral occurrences described and georeferenced in MINFILE, an interactive mineral occurrence database available free on the internet at:

The most economically significant industrial minerals produced are: magnesite, white calcium carbonate, limestone, silica, dimension stone, gypsum, sulphur, construction aggregate and crushed rock.  Commodities produced in lesser quantities include jade (nephrite), magnetite, dolomite, barite, volcanic cinder, pumice, flagstone, clay, tufa, fuller's earth and zeolites.  There are more than 40 mines or quarries and at least 20 major sites where upgrading of industrial minerals into value-added products takes place.
bulletIndustrial Mineral Events & Feature Topics
bulletSelected Industrial Mineral Publications
bulletGeneral Publications on Industrial Minerals

bullet Industrial Minerals in British Columbia - 2003 Review
bullet Table of Industrial Mineral Operations 2005
bullet Interactive Map of Industrial Mineral Operations and Exploration
bullet Industrial Mineral Sector from Mineral Statistics website
bullet Search Industrial Minerals with MINFILE
bullet Industrial Mineral Reports in Property File
bullet 37th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals, includes
bullet Industrial Minerals in BC – Review and Opportunities
bullet Industrial Mineral Operations in BC (Mineral Resources Education Program)
bullet General Publications on Industrial Minerals
bullet Aggregate in BC
bullet Asbestos Occurrences in BC: Open File 1995-25
bullet Barite in BC: Open File 1997-16
bullet Market Study of Bentonite Products: Open File 1994-25
bullet Emerald and Other Gem Beryl Mineralization: Paper 2004-2-05
bullet Potential for Gem Beryl and Schist Hosted Emerald in BC: GeoFile 2005-19
bulletThe Potential for Emeralds in BC - A Preliminary Overview: Paper 2004-1-22
bulletUltramafic Associated Chromite and Nickel Occurrences in BC: Open File 1990-27
bulletKimberlite and Diamond Indicator Minerals in Northeastern BC: A Reconnaissance Survey: GeoFile 2005-25 and Paper 2006-1-18
bullet Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in the Fort Nelson Area, Northeastern BC: Paper 2005-1-RR13
bulletHeavy Mineral Survey and its Significance for Diamond Exploration, Fort Nelson Area, BC: GeoFile 2005-13
bulletPrecambrian Basement - NE BC - New U-Pb Geochronological Data and their Significance for Diamond Exploration: GeoFile 2005-12
bullet Diamond Potential in BC - Progress Report: Paper 2004-1-26
bullet Kimberlites, Melnoites and Look-Alikes in British Columbia: GeoFile 2003-22
bullet Fluorspar and Fluorine in British Columbia: Open File 1992-16
bullet Gypsum in British Columbia: Open File 1991-15
bullet High-tech Metals in BC: Information Circular 1990-19
bullet Jade (Nephrite) in BC: Paper 2004-2-57
bulletJade in BC
bullet Kaolin Potential of the Comox Sub-Basin, Vancouver Island: Open File 1994-16
bullet Kyanite and Andalusite Occurrences in BC: Paper 2004-2-55
bullet Kyanite at Prince Rupert and Kitimat (103H, J): Paper 1996-1, pp 251-258
bullet Limestone and Dolomite Resources of BC: Open File 1992-18
bullet Dolomite in BC: Geology, Current Producers and Possible Development Opportunities along the West Coast: Paper 2006-1-17
bullet Iron (Magnetite) Ore Resources in Southwestern BC: Paper 2006-1-16
bullet Magnetite Occurrences in BC: Open File 1988-28
bullet Magnesite and Related Opportunities in BC: Paper 2004-2-12
bullet Hydromagnesite in British Columbia: Paper 2004-2-13
bullet Classification of Magnesite Deposits: Paper 2004-2-17
bullet Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Resources: Paper 2001-1-20
bullet Magnesite, Brucite and Hydromagnesite Occurrences in BC: Open File 1987-13
bulletMarket Study for British Columbia Mica: Open File 1995-26
bulletMINFILE occurrences - search for Industrial Minerals in the MINFILE database
bullet Natural Stone in BC
bullet Dimension Stone in BC: Information Circular 1998-6
bullet Olivine Potential of the Tulameen Ultramafic Complex: Open File 1991-9
bullet Peat: IC 1992-15
bulletA Study on the Feasibility of Peat Production in the BC: Open File 1994-22
bullet"Perlite" from Terrace Mountain, Vernon Area: Paper 1996-1, pp 223-226
bullet Perlite Market Study for British Columbia: Open File 1994-21
bullet Zeolite, Perlite, Fullers Earth, Diatomite, Kaolin: IC 1992-17
bullet Phosphate in Southern British Columbia: Open File 1987-16
bullet Phosphorus in British Columbia Coking Coals: Open File 1992-20
bullet Silica Occurrences in BC: Open File 1987-15
bullet Silicon, Ferrosilicon, and Silicon Carbide: Information Circular 1992-12
bulletUpdate of a Market Study for Talc: Open File 1994-24
bullet Tantalum Market and Resources: An Overview: Paper 2002-1-22
bullet Mineral Deposit Profiles
bullet Industrial Mineral Operations in BC (Mineral Resources Education Program)
bullet Paper 2004-2: 37th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals
bullet Industrial Minerals in BC 2003 – Review and Opportunities
bullet Industrial Mineral Endowment and Development Opportunities, Northeast-Central BC
bullet GF 2003-15: Industrial Minerals in British Columbia - 2003 Review
bullet GF 2002-7: Industrial Minerals in British Columbia: 2002 Preliminary Review
bullet GF 2001-3: Industrial Mineral Endowment and Development Opportunities Northeast-Central BC
bullet OF 1999-10: Selected British Columbia Mineral Deposit Profiles, Volume 3 - Industrial Minerals and Gemstones
bullet IC 1997-4: Focus on BC Industrial Minerals '95
bullet GFW 1995: Industrial Mineral Potential of the Tertiary Rocks, Vernon and Adjacent Map Areas (082L)
bullet OF 1994-23: Industrial Minerals Opportunities in Pulp and Paper in British Columbia to the Year 2003
bullet IC 1994-15: Dimension Stone in Victoria, BC
bullet IC 1992-13: Industrial Minerals in BC
bullet OF 1992-9: MINFILE Data on Major Industrial Mineral Deposits in BC
bullet OF 1991-23: Industrial Minerals of Alberta and British Columbia
bullet OF 1990-23: Cretaceous and Tertiary Stratigraphy and Industrial Minerals, Hat Creek, Southern BC
bullet OF 1989-27: Geology and Industrial Minerals in the Gang Ranch Area: Open File
bullet OF 1989-21: Tertiary Stratigraphy and Industrial Minerals, Bonaparte to Deadman Rivers
bullet OF 1988-30: Tertiary Stratigraphy and Industrial Minerals, Cache Creek Map Area, Southwestern BC
bullet OF 1988-29: Tertiary Stratigraphy and Industrial Minerals: Fraser River, Lytton to Gang Ranch, British Columbia
bullet OF 1988-13: Industrial Mineral Occurrences in British Columbia
bullet OF 1988-15: Tertiary Stratigraphy and Industrial Minerals, Merritt Basin, Southern British Columbia
bullet IC 1988-6: British Columbia Dimension Stone
bullet OF 1987-19: Tertiary Stratigraphy and Industrial Minerals, Princeton and Tulameen Basins, British Columbia

For questions or more information on geology and minerals in British Columbia please contact BCGS Mailbox or use the toll free number (BC residents only).

This page last updated: December 12, 2006.

BC Geological Survey Home Page


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