Ministry of Energy and Mines
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The MINFILE database has information on: 

bulletMore than 12,300 metallic mineral, industrial mineral and coal mines, deposits and occurrences documented in British Columbia.
bulletNames; commodities; status (showings to major producing mines) and Mining Method (open pit, underground).
bulletLocation (NTS map, BCGS Map, longitude/latitude, UTM, elevation, Electoral District, Forest District, Location Certainty and Mining Division).
bulletMineralogy and alteration.
bulletDeposit character, classification and type (based on BC Mineral Deposit Profiles).
bulletHost rock (lithology, stratigraphic names and ages).
bulletGeological setting (tectonic belt, terrane, physiographic area and metamorphism).
bulletInventory (assays, reserves/resources and production).
bulletCapsule geology and work history.
bulletReferences and publications.
bulletMINFILE/www is an on-line application consisting of basic and advanced searches, on-screen occurrence summary data and other reports and downloads.
bulletA downloadable MS Access application for local PC use is available as
MINFILE/pc Version 5.

How to Reference MINFILE; web examples, one for a specific occurrence and one for a map area. Modelled after The Art & Science of Writing Geoscience Reports by Brian Grant (

MINFILE (2006): Tulsequah Chief, 104K 002; BC Ministry of Energy and Mines, MINFILE digital data, posted April 2006, URL <> [December 2004]

Jakobsen, D.E., Bradford, J., and Mihalynuk, M.G. (1993): Skagway mineral occurrence data NTS 104M; BC Ministry of Energy and Mines, MINFILE digital data, 88 occurrences, posted Nov 2004, URL <> [December 2004]

prov.gif (17891 bytes) Click on the adjacent map to see a density plot showing all the mineral occurrences in the MINFILE database.

Last Updated November 26, 2004


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