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  Title Updated


Application Resource Book - Pipelines and Facilities3/31/2004
Applications for Flowlines for Unproven Wells Policy12/21/2001
Environmental Upgrade & Minor Changes to Approved Activities (Field Change) Spreadsheet9/11/2006
Gas Plant Design Capacities (MS Excel Format) 11/26/2004
Guideline For Gas Processing Plant Applications10/11/2006
Monthly Natural Gas Gathering Statement2/21/2001
Monthly Natural Gas Processing Statement2/21/2001
Pipeline Incident Report 11/2/2000
Pipelines Associated Watercourse Crossing Manual4/24/2006
Surface Equipment Spacing Diagram 3/8/2000

The OGC is revising forms which will become mandatory
These forms are to be used in conjunction with the Pipelines and Facilities Manual.

New Manual and Forms

Pipelines and Facilities Manual - V 8.2 - Nov 2006 11/14/2006
Application for a Production Facility (BC-20) Instructions 11/6/2006
Application for a Production Facility (BC-20) 11/6/2006
Application for Well or Facility to Facility Linkage (BC-21)11/1/2005
Application for Well or Facility to Facility Linkage (BC-21) - Instructions11/1/2005
Facility Application Form 11/6/2006
Facility Notice of Intent - Upstream 11/6/2006
Pipeline Application Form 11/6/2006
Pipeline Notice of Intent - Upstream 11/6/2006
Notice of Construction Start - Upstream 11/2/2006
Notice of Pressure Test - Upstream 11/1/2006
Notice of Leave to Open - Upstream11/1/2006
As-Built - Upstream 11/6/2006
Pipeline / Facility As-Cleared Plan Submission 11/1/2006
Notice of Unresolved Concern 10/2/2006
OGC ALC Application1/4/2004
Request For Pipeline Field Change 11/1/2006
Public Engagement Report10/2/2006

Legacy Forms

Pipeline Surface Rights Application10/11/2006
Notice of Intent9/15/2005
Notice of Construction Start9/15/2005
Notice of Pipe Pressure Test9/15/2005
Notice of Leave to Open9/15/2005
Pipeline As-Cleared Plan Submission9/25/2003
Timber Harvesting and Field Assessment9/29/2005

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