Click here to link to BC Government Click here for information about the Commission Click here for information about the ALR Click here for information about the application process Click here for information about recent application decisions Click here for legislation, regulations, policies, etc. Contacts at the Commission office Publications, reports, etc Click here for the site index and site map

New Commission Appointments

The ALC welcomes 5 new Commissioners including Sylvia Pranger from Agassiz; Michael Bose from Surrey, William Norton from Prince George; D. Grant Griffin from Cranbrook and Gordon Gillette from Williams Lake. For more detailed information about the Commissioners please refer to their bios. (link)

Commission Service Plan

Community Planning Guidelines are written for local governments preparing new and updated plans and bylaws affecting lands in the ALR.

Delegation to Local Government
Powers for local governments to make decisions on subdivisions and non-farm land use applications. [ Information Kit ]

Soil Removal and Fill Placement in the Agricultural Land Reserve are designated as non-farm uses requiring an application in the Act. The Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation establishes an entirely new results-based process and also provides for certain exemptions.
[ Surrey leads the way to stop illegal fill dumping ]

Agricultural Land Commission Act
Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation
ALR Statistics
Application Forms
Applicant Info Package
Applications for oil and gas activities in the ALR
Applications Submitted to the Commission
2006 Commission Meeting Schedule
FAQs About the ALR
Information for Local Governments
Information on recent Commission decisions
Maps for the ALR
What is Agricultural Land
How Do I ...

The Minister
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Oil and Gas Commission
Other sites