
Appendix 1: Significant Service Plan Changes

The ministry recognizes that all performance measures reported in the 2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005 are important; however, focusing on the most critical aspects of performance allows the ministry to better define its success in achieving its goals and objectives. As a result, the ministry has removed the internally-focused goal “A leader in innovative business and people practices” and a number of performance measures, and refined its remaining goals to create greater focus on fiscal sustainability, competitiveness and accountability.

The following performance measures have been removed in the 2006/07–2008/09 Service Plan:

  1. Provincial ranking of the top personal marginal tax rate.
  2. Percentage annual growth in new business registrations.
  3. Number of regulatory reforms.
  4. Risk Management Maturity Model.
  5. Percentage of staff with a formal Performance Review.
  6. Percentage of staff who agree they have adequate opportunities to develop their skills.
  7. Stakeholders’ satisfaction with the policy framework for financial and procurement management.
  8. Percentage of company incorporations and registrations filed electronically.

These measures will continue to be tracked for internal management purposes.

The following performance measures have been added to the 2006/07–2008/09 Service Plan:

  1. Provincial ranking of corporate tax. A competitive tax environment fosters economic growth. Although measuring the overall competitiveness of the system is complex, a comparison of general corporate income tax rates represents a reasonable basis for assessing competitiveness.
  2. Release of Public Accounts by June 30 with an unqualified audit opinion from the Auditor General’s Office. This new performance measure combines two separate performance measures reported in the 2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan Update September 2005: 1) Full implementation of GAAP and 2) Delivery date for annual Public Accounts.

Appendix 2

Agencies, Boards, and Commissions for which the Minister of Finance is the Minister Responsible.


Accounting Policy Advisory Committee

Auditor Certification Board

BC Investment Management Board

Financial Institutions Commission

Financial Services Tribunal

Insurance Council of British Columbia

Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia

Real Estate Council of British Columbia

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