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Introductory Publications and Factsheets
Growing Together Newsletters
  GIS and Land Use Inventory
   Farm Practices Protection
  Planning for Agriculture
Edge Planning
   Agriculture in Brief (Ag Statistics)
  Other Publications


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Introductory Publications and Factsheets

Two introductory publications were written after the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act was passed by the BC Legislature in 1995.  The Act came into force in April 1996.
Good Neighbour Farming  (1996)  
Consultation Background Report  (1995)
Several factsheets were developed to provide further details about the Strengthening Farming program.
  Strengthening Farming Program...An Overview  (2005) [433 kb]
  Highlights   (1996) [105 kb] html
  "Normal farm practices" and the "right to farm"    [106 kb] html
Resolving public concerns and complaints   [110 kb] html
Local governments and the right to farm    [107 kmb] html
Planning for farming    [109 kb] html
  Important information for local government subdivision approving officers   [106 kb] html
  Important information for staff of local governments   [105 kb] html
Good Neighbour Farming

Growing TogetherGrowing Together Newsletters

"Growing Together" is a series of four-page broadsheets on a variety of topics related to the Strengthening Farming program and the Partnership Committee on Agriculture and the Environment.
Availability of Farmland Key to Agriculture's Success   [1.4  mb]
Farming in Partnership with Local Governments - Fall 2005 Vol 6, No. 1
Strong Start for Environmental Farm Planning     [2.9 mb]
Farming in Partnership with Local Governments - Fall 2004 Vol 5, No. 1
Local Governments Promote Agriculture    [1.4 mb]
Farming in Partnership with Local Governments - Fall 2003 Vol 4, No. 1
Nutrient Management Means Economic and Environmental Returns     [935 kb]
The Agriculture and Environment Connection - Winter 2001 Vol 3, No. 1
Reaping the Fruits of Change     [887 kb]
Farming in Partnership with Local Government - Fall 2001 Vol 3, No. 2
Partnership Committee Making Progress     [673 kb]
The Agriculture and the Environment Connection - Winter 2000 Vol 1, No. 2
  BC's Local Governments Planning for Agriculture's Sustainable Future   [1.2 mb]
The Rural-Urban Connection - Fall 2000 Vol 1, No. 2
Finding the Balance in Planning    [1 mb]
The Rural-Urban Connection - Fall 1999 Vol 1, No. 1

GIS and Land Use Inventory

AgFocus:  A Guide to Agricultural Land Use Inventory  AgFocus: A Guide to Agricultural Land Use Inventory

This 30-page guide outlines practical details on how to undertake a land use inventory in agricultural areas. It includes a ready-to-use coding system for agricultural activities and land covers.  (2004)    [956 kb]


AgFocus:  An Agricultural GIS  AgFocus:  An Agricultural GIS- Pitt Meadows Pilot Project

This 90-page guide outlines the benefits of applying a Geographic Information System in agricultural areas with details of how this may be undertaken. The guide was largely based on experience gained from the Pitt Meadows Pilot Project. (2001)    [4.3 mb]

AgFocus:  An Agricultural GIS - Overview  AgFocus: An Agricultural GIS - Overview   

This 12-page booklet is a summary of  AgFocus: An Agricultural GIS- Pitt Meadows Pilot Project. The booklet is intended for local government representatives and others who want a snapshot of agricultural GIS benefits.  (2001)    [1.2 mb]

Farm Practices Protection

Farm Practices

Farm Practices in B.C. Reference Guide  Farm Practices in BC Reference Guide    (update 2003)

The Guide includes about 62 separate factsheets grouped under the headings 'Commodity Specific', 'Farm Activity', and 'Farm Nuisance'.   The documents describes many of British Columbia's diverse farm practices in general terms and refers to existing government legislation, industry guidelines and other sources of information related to farm practices.


  Guidelines For Farm Practices Involving Fill (2006)

This 15-page Strengthening Farming Factsheet describes farm practices involving soil and/ or woodwaste fill, and the rationale/ references for these practices. 


  The Use of Audible Bird Scare Devices in British Columbia in 2001

This 64-page report addresses complaints about the use of audible bird scare devices to protect agricultural crops from damage by birds. It focuses on BC, but also considers regulations in a number of other jurisdictions.    [1.2 mb]


Executive Summary - The Use of Audible Bird Scare Devices in British Columbia in 2001    [97 kb]

Planning for Agriculture

  A Guide to Using and Developing Trails in Farm and Ranch Areas   
     (updated 2006)

This 59-page guide was developed to assist trail proponents and developers. The guide emphasizes the importance of land use compatibility when trails are being considered in or near agricultural areas. The guide outlines mitigative techniques, provides design examples and reviews planning and consultative processes.  The Guide also provides a "Code" for trail users in farm and ranch areas.  [25 mb]       Table of Contents [52 kb]

  Trails through Agriculture Areas (2005)

This 2-page brochure is designed to inform users of trails that go through agriculture areas of several key points to help ensure a safe recreational experience that respects the working landscape they are passing through. 
  [880 kb]

  Local Government Links with Agriculture - Survey 2001

This report contains the results of a 2001 survey involving over 70 local governments in BC. The survey explored how municipalities and regional districts link with their local farm and ranch communities in decision-making and planning processes. The survey results were  forwarded to all local governments surveyed.  A copy can be viewed at the Ministry office in Abbotsford.


Local Government Links with Agriculture

Separating Agriculture and Urban Land Uses - An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Landscaped Buffers  (2001) Separating Agriculture and Urban Land Uses

This 98-page, unpublished report was prepared by the Ministry. The report focuses on decisions made by the Agricultural Land Commission that required buffering. Eleven case studies in three regions of BC were examined.  A copy can be viewed at the Ministry office in Abbotsford.
  The Smart Growth Guide to Local Government Law and Advocacy 

This comprehensive guide, prepared by West Coast Environmental Law, focuses on the topics of "smart" urban growth.
Chapter 6 - Protecting Agricultural Land - discusses the Agricultural Land Reserve and the Strengthening Farming Program.


Smart Growth Guide
AAC Information Package  Agricultural Advisory Committees Information Package (2000)

This information package has been developed to provide information for municipalities and regional districts that may be interested in appointing an Agricultural Advisory Committee.  The package includes:


 The Countryside and You - Understanding Farming (1998)

This 24-page booklet explains to the non-farmer living in or near an agricultural area what to expect from agricultural operations as farmers and ranchers go about their day-to-day activities.    [4.1 mb] 


The Countryside and You - Understanding Farming
  Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas  (1998)

The Guide contains extensive information about the development of zoning bylaws in farming areas and contains the Minister's Standards to guide bylaw development. Farm bylaws are also discussed, along with other opportunities to strengthen farming.    [380 kb] 


Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas
  Planning for Agriculture (1998)

  Planning for Agriculture - Resource Materials  (TOC only) (1998)

Planning for Agriculture (66 pages) summarizes the key issues in the Planning for Agriculture - Resource Materials (400 pages, $50) document.  The reports were prepared by the Agricultural Land Commission to encourage greater focus on agricultural issues and opportunities during planning processes. 

Planning for Agriculture
  Bylaw Review (TOC only)  (1996 / 97 revised in 1998)

This 94-page, unpublished document reviewed the zoning bylaws of 19 local governments to better understand the agriculturally relevant portions of the bylaws. The bylaw review provided background information in the development of the Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas. Copies may be viewed at the Ministry office in Abbotsford.    [307 kb]


Bylaw Review
  Planning Subdivisions Near Agriculture (1997)

This 12-page brochure summarizes the report Subdivision Near Agriculture... A Guide for Approving Officers. The brochure is designed for the general public, particularly those individuals who may be planning to subdivide next to the Agricultural Land Reserve.    [2.8  mb]



Planning Subdivisions Near Agriculture

  Subdivision Near Agriculture...A Guide for Approving Officers  (1996)

This 21-page guide, was developed to assist subdivision approving officers when considering proposals for subdivision near farmland. It includes examples of ways to improve subdivision design, provide buffering and manage road patterns to improve land use compatibility along agriculture's edge.  Sample draft covenants associated with the provision of buffering are also included.  [34  mb]

Subdivision Near Agriculture


Strengthening Farming in British Columbia (TOC Only)
A Guide to Implementation of the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act  (1996)

This document, often referred to as the 'Yellow Binder', was completed in 1996 and forwarded to all local governments with land in the ALR.  It contains a compilation of information and documents relating to the Strengthening Farming Program including:

Strengthening Farming in British Columbia
 Landscaped Buffer Specifications (1993)

This document was developed by the Agricultural Land Commission to provide practical examples of the buffering of urban development next to farming. It includes fencing specifications.



Landscaped Buffer Specifications

Edge Planning

The following list highlights Planning for Agriculture publications that would be of interest to communities wanting to pursue Edge Planning.  Click on Overview for a short description or click on the title to view the entire publication.    
  • Chapter 8 - Planning Along Agriculture's Edges
  • Appendix 20 - A Check List of Common Urban / Agricultural Conflicts

Agriculture in Brief  (Ag Statistics)

The Agriculture in Brief documents are a series of 2-page documents that summarize agriculture in 52 municipalities and regional districts throughout BC.  The documents highlight agricultural statistics such as the total area farmed, farmland use, crops, livestock and total farm capital.

Use the drop-down box to select your municipality or regional district, then click the GO button. 


Other Publications

  Agricultural Advisory Committee Workshop 2005- Proceedings

The second Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) Workshop was held February 2005.  The Summary of Proceedings include the four presentations, a list of workshop participants and a list of AAC contacts.  [2 mb]


  The Rural-Urban Connection: Growing Together in Greater Vancouver
[464 kb]

The "Rural-Urban Connection" is an article published in Plan Canada (Spring 2004 Vol. 44, No. 1). The article outlines how the Livable Region Strategic Plan of the GVRD and the Provincial farmland preservation program - the ALR - have worked together to provide for population growth while maintaining farmland and the many associated benefits of ensuring a vibrant agricultural sector in the Region.


  Comox Valley Brochures 2003

These 12 and 8-page brochures were developed as part of the Comox Valley Agricultural Area Plan in January of 2003. 


Agricultural Advisory Committee Workshop 2003

February 2003, a workshop brought together nearly 120 members of Agricultural Advisory Committees (AACs) from around the province, staff that assist AACs, and representatives of communities interested in forming an AAC. The Summary of Proceedings includes each presentation made at the workshop and the Appendices include a list of participants and AAC contacts.


AAC Workshop 2003

  Feeding the Apartment Dwellers (2001)  [142 kb]

"Feeding the Apartment Dwellers" is an article published in Plan Canada (Oct-Dec 2001, Volume 41, No.4).  The article summarizes work related to the City of Richmond's Agricultural Viability Strategy.



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