Core Business Areas

1. Arts, Culture and Heritage

The Arts, Culture and Heritage division is responsible for cultural and heritage policy and programs; for the administration and delivery of government programs under the Arts Council Act and the Heritage Conservation Act; and for the administration of the Olympic Arts Fund Special Account. The ministry supports the development of a sustainable arts and cultural sector and a creative economy. It also works to build awareness and implement policies to facilitate the protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of heritage sites, including pre- and post-European contact sites, for the benefit of present and future generations. This division has a budget of $26.7 million and 45 FTEs.

2. Sport, Recreation and Volunteers

The Sport, Recreation and Volunteers division supports the development of a sustainable recreation and sport system, which includes the BC Family of Games: BC Summer, BC Winter, BC Seniors, Northern BC Winter and BC Disability Games. It does this by facilitating quality opportunities to increase physical activity, participation, and excellence in sport; developing public policy; providing funding to recreation and sport organizations; and working with local organizing and bid committees to promote British Columbia as a domestic and international event host. This core business area has a budget of $15.1 million and 10 FTEs.

The ministry coordinates Government’s involvement with organizations representing the voluntary sector and works in partnership with government and non-government organizations to develop, recognize, and build lasting capacity in this valuable labour force.

3. Tourism and Resort Development

This division provides for implementing the provincial plan and policies for sustainable development of tourism by: developing and implementing strategies to promote British Columbia and achieve significant increases in tourism; advancing product and sector development; issuing Crown land tenures for adventure tourism businesses and all-season resorts; supporting major development agreements; managing the provincial system of forest recreation sites and trails; working with industry, not-for-profits and other levels of government to enhance the business climate for tourism growth; and undertaking market and trend research. Tourism and Resort Development has a budget of $13.6 million and 75 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs).

4. British Columbia Film Commission

The BC Film Commission supports the promotion of British Columbia’s locations and infrastructure for use by the world’s film, television and commercial production industry. It also offers production and post-production support for film-making. The Commission has a budget of $1.4 million and 10 FTEs.

5. Transfers to Crown Corporations and Agencies

The ministry provides $143.9 million in transfers to four crown corporations and agencies.

  • Tourism BC works to promote development and growth in the tourism industry, to increase revenues and employment throughout British Columbia, and to increase economic benefits for all British Columbians.
  • Royal BC Museum is a Crown corporation, responsible for the protection and exhibition of provincial collections, including specimens, artifacts, archival records and other materials that illustrate the natural and human history of British Columbia.
  • The BC Pavilion Corporation generates economic and community benefits through the prudent management of public facilities.
  • The Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project is also funded through the ministry. A larger Vancouver Convention Centre will be a very important asset before, during and after the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

Three other crown corporations and agencies are directly accountable to the Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts.

  • Provincial Capital Commission assumes primary stewardship for assets of historical and cultural significance within the Capital Region.
  • British Columbia Arts Council provides opportunities for British Columbians to participate in the arts by supporting arts and cultural organizations, and artists throughout the province.
  • BC Games Society is responsible for support to the "BC Family of Games", which include the BC Summer and BC Winter Games, thus enabling the development of athletes, coaches, officials, and volunteers in preparation for larger scale competitions and events.

6. Executive and Support Services

This core business area has a budget of $3.0 million and 12 FTEs. It provides for the offices of the Minister and the Deputy Minister. The Ministry of Community Services (MCS) provides management services to the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts.

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