Ministry Overview

Purpose of the Ministry

The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts was created in June 2005, bringing together several program areas essential to the health of our economy and communities: tourism and resort development; sport, recreation and volunteers; arts, culture and heritage; and the BC Film Commission.

The ministry’s mandate is to bring new leadership and focus to the tourism, sport and arts sectors in order to foster job creation, business development, dynamic communities, and healthy, active citizens. Specifically, the ministry is working to implement a comprehensive policy and program vision for doubling tourism revenues, fostering a creative economy, and improving the health, social and economic well-being of British Columbians, in a manner which is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable.

The ministry accomplishes this important work through a number of programs, many of which are delivered through third parties. For example, heritage properties and forest recreation sites and trails are managed by private and not-for-profit organizations and communities. Some of the ministry’s programs are delivered through regional service delivery centres such as Front Counter BC and the Tourism and Resort Development Office in Kamloops. Funding for some sport, arts and culture programs is provided through grants or contracts with third parties. Finally, the BC Film Commission provides direct production promotion and support to the film and television industry through its Vancouver office.

Seven Crown corporations and agencies are also directly accountable to the Minister, including the Royal BC Museum Corporation and Tourism BC. A complete list of all Crowns and agencies is included in Appendix 1.

Key legislation in the ministry’s purview includes the Heritage Conservation Act and the Tourism Act. A more complete list is provided in Appendix 1.

Vision, Mission and Values


A province where citizens embrace participation, and celebrate and maximize the social and economic benefits from tourism, sport and the arts.


To build strong partnerships that will foster sustainable tourism, sport and arts sectors and creative vibrant communities where people want to live, visit and invest.


The ministry is guided by the following values in conducting its work:

Collaboration: promoting team work, and building relationships and partnerships of mutual trust and confidence;

Integrity: communicating and behaving in ways that show respect, honesty and high ethical standards;

A Focus on Clients: providing high levels of service and responsiveness to ministry clients in a timely and effective manner;

Transparency and Accountability: providing effective and efficient delivery of services and implementing sound results-driven financial management; and

Innovation and Creativity: building a dynamic and innovative organization which encourages creativity and imagination.

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