Related Initiatives and Planning Processes

Regulatory Reform

The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts works in an on-going way to identify current policies and processes that are seen as hindering business sustainability or growth, as well as legislative barriers to the range of tourism industries, other businesses, and the motion picture production industry. It is also committed to maintaining a zero net increase in regulations.

Key Initiatives in the 2006/07 year:

  • Implementation of a policy and regulatory framework for a modern, integrated, all-season resort, adventure tourism, and outdoor recreation program.
  • Implementing a number of key initiatives under the BC Resort Strategy and Action Plan that will promote new investments by removing obstacles and barriers to resort development.
  • Reviewing and updating the Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act.
  • Implementation of the Charter for Tourism Growth, a cross ministry agreement and framework for ensuring that Government’s programs and policies are coordinated and supportive of tourism. One important outcome will be a framework for ministries to work together to resolve impediments to tourism business diversification.
  • A number of requirements for the management of heritage sites are either defunct or being phased out as a result of the heritage site devolution initiative. The final phase of this work will occur in the 2006/07 year.

Overview of Information Resource Management Plan

An overview of the ministry’s Information Resource Management Plan can be found at:

Citizen-Centred Service Delivery

In support of the Governments’ Citizen-Centred Service Delivery Front Counter BC initiative, the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts is working directly with the Integrated Land Management Bureau to support that agency’s delivery of “single point of contact” services in a number of regional centres, for a number of natural resource ministries and agencies.

The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts’ clients will be able to seek information and make application for the use of crown land for a wide range of commercial recreation activities through the Bureau. Clients for large scale projects, such as all-season resort developments and accompanying Master Development Agreements, will continue to be referred to the Tourism Resort Development Office in Kamloops.

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