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Commercial Fishing

1998 Quick Facts (2002 2001 2000 1999 1998)
BC Commercial Fishing Harvest and Value
Species Landings
('000 tonnes)
Wild Salmon 30.3 54.0
Herring 33.9 36.6
Groundfish 139.2 122.1
Wild Shellfish 19.3 94.3
Tuna & Other 1.5 1.5
Total 224.2 308.5

  • Commercial fishing is the fourth largest primary industry in British Columbia after forestry, mining and agriculture.

  • More than 80 different species of finfish, shellfish and plants are harvested commercially.

  • Harvesting is undertaken by vessels using seine or gillnets, and by trawling, trolling or trapping. Other harvest methods include diving and hand picking.

  • The 1998 wild salmon harvest was the lowest in 50 years as sockeye, coho and chinook salmon stocks were the focus of conservation concerns with limited or no harvest opportunities.

  • Wild shellfish is the most important commercial fishery in terms of value to the harvester. High landed prices are realized primarily in the geoduck clam, crab, shrimp and prawn fisheries.

  • Groundfish species account for 60 per cent of the commercial fishery harvest by volume.

  • New and emerging fisheries are being developed to increase diversification of the harvesting sector while providing opportunities for enhancing the value of underutilized species.


Updated: October 6, 2003

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