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Commercial Fishing

2001 Quick Facts  ( 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 )
BC Commercial Fishing Harvest and Value
Species Landings
('000 tonnes)
Wild Salmon 24.7 37.1
Herring 24.5 46.2
Groundfish 115.7 125.3
Wild Shellfish 20.1 129.5
Tuna and Other 6.9 20.5
Total 191.9 358.6

Source: The 2003 British Colombia Seafood Industry Year in Review

  • Commercial fishing is the fourth largest primary industry in British Columbia after forestry, mining and agriculture.

  • More than 80 different species of finfish, shellfish and plants are harvested commercially.

  • 70 per cent of all fish harvested in BC came from the domestic commercial fleet participating in near- and off-shore fisheries.

  • Groundfish species account for 60 per cent of the commercial fishery harvest by volume.


Updated:  October 28, 2004

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