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Commercial Fishing

2000 Quick Facts 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 )

BC Commercial Fishing Harvest and Value
Species Landings
('000 tonnes)
Wild Salmon 18.9 50.4
Herring 27.8 50.1
Groundfish 75.2 136.8
Wild Shellfish 17.7 118.2
Tuna & Other 6.0 16.7
Total 145.6 372.2

  • Commercial fishing is the fourth largest primary industry in British Columbia after forestry, mining and agriculture.

  • More than 80 different species of finfish, shellfish and plants are harvested commercially.

  • Harvesting is undertaken by vessels using seine or gillnets, and by trawling, trolling or trapping. Other harvest methods include diving and hand picking.

  • Many fisheries have become limited entry. These fisheries provide for year-round harvesting, higher quality products and increased values to the fishers.

  • Wild shellfish is the most important commercial fishery in terms of value to the harvester. High landed prices are realized primarily in the geoduck clam, crab and prawn fisheries.

  • Groundfish species account for 53 per cent of the commercial fishery harvest by volume.

  • New and emerging fisheries are being developed to increase diversification of the harvesting sector while providing opportunities for enhancing the value of underutilized species.


Updated: October 6, 2003

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