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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Siting & Relocation > Assessment of Farm Applications

Assessment of Farm Applications by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

Each submitted application for a new or relocating finfish aquaculture facility is received by the Aquaculture Licensing Branch in Courtenay, and is referred internally to the Aquaculture Development Branch. This branch then reviews the application in order to assess the biophysical suitability of the proposal. The aim is to determine whether the proposed operation appears both technically feasible and biologically appropriate for the specific marine environment.

Field staff visit the proposed site location as part of the application review. Survey work conducted on-site by provincial staff may include visual and/or photographic surveys of the shoreline, underwater surveys of the seafloor using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and acoustic seabed surveys. This field work is be conducted as part of the application review and the findings are considered by provincial licensing authorities.

Other considerations for the review include, but are not limited to:

  • conformance with siting criteria
  • water quality and water circulation data
  • review of the containment structures and mooring equipment to assess their suitability and safety for the location
  • review of the production schedule (species, stocking densities, etc.)
  • review of the farmed stock escape prevention plan
  • an assessment of the anticipated impacts from the proposed activity
  • input from other referral agencies

An Aquaculture Licence will be issued if provincial licensing authorities deem that all licensing requirements have been met.

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