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AL > Fisheries & Aquaculture > Siting & Relocation > Government Siting Responsibilities

Government Siting Responsibilities

Locating or "siting" aquaculture facilities falls primarily under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. Government is currently developing improved siting criteria for finfish farms. These criteria will reflect the requirements of relevant provincial and federal legislation and will incorporate new knowledge on physical and biological interactions in the marine environment.

See the "Application Guide" page for details on the new siting criteria, site application process and the accompanying guidebook.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (MAL) is responsible for issuing an Aquaculture Licence to successful applicants. All operators of an aquaculture facility must possess this licence as stipulated by the provincial Fisheries Act in order to locate and operate the facility. MAL's review of aquaculture applications is undertaken by the field staff in the Courtenay field office. The provincial licensing policy provides guidance to MAL licensing authorities and describes the priority considerations for awarding licenses.

Provincial Licensing PolicyAdobe Acrobat Required

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Integrated Land Management Bureau

Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) is responsible for leasing Crown land. ILMB must issue a Crown land tenure under the Land Act in order for a marine aquaculture operation to be located on aquatic or upland Crown land in British Columbia.

ILMB also oversees compliance with the terms and conditions of the Land Act. This includes ensuring that applications are publicly advertised and that consultations take place with both the public and local First Nations as part of the assessment process.

See the Crown Land Administration Division website for more information on this agency's aquaculture policy and site approval process.

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The Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

The Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM) has developed an extensive inventory of coastal resources. The resulting maps are used by both government and aquaculture companies as a course screen in identifying potentially suitable sites. MSRM's Archaeology Branch ensures that installing and operating the facility will not disturb any cultural or heritage sites. MSRM's Archaeology Branch:

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is responsible for the federal review of aquaculture applications. This agency is responsible for ensuring compliance with three federal acts: the Fisheries Act, the Navigable Waters Protection Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. This agency reviews aquaculture applications with regard for matters such as the protection of wild fisheries, protection of the marine environment and maintaining safe marine navigation.

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Local governments

Local governments may also influence siting decisions through control over zoning within their jurisdiction as part of land use planning.

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Provincial Siting Links:

Federal Siting Links:

Updated: January 27, 2006

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