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On the whale route


Visitors to the Manicouagan region will be impressed by its many facets, as varied as they are astounding. With the shore overlooking the magnificent St. Lawrence River, cliffs overhanging the striking Saguenay fjord, saltwater marshes where you can observe 175 bird species, the fish ladder teeming with leaping salmon, not to mention the boreal forest, tundra, rushing rivers and deep lakes of its backcountry… Manicouagan is definitely blessed by nature! This grandiose location, which saw the birth of an electrical empire, is dominated by the largest multiple arch dam in the world, the barrage Daniel-Johnson (Manic-5). This region covers an immense wilderness that is ideal for hiking, camping, scuba diving, sea kayaking, hunting, fishing and snowmobiling.

A unique ocean phenomenon

ManicouaganThe cold waters of the Rivière Saguenay that flow into the saltwater of the St. Lawrence River form an exceptional ecosystem, the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, where countless beluga and fin whales abound in the summertime. Numerous cruises, including several departing from Tadoussac and Les Escoumins, allow you to see these enormous mammals up close. But you can also occasionally see seals, fin whales and belugas right from the shore! The Cap-de-Bon-Désir Observation and Interpretation Centre, in Bergeronnes, is one of the best spots. Its interpretation centre, as well as the centre in Tadoussac, describe and explain the life of these magnificent marine mammals.

Change of scenery guaranteed in Manicouagan

ManicouaganIn the Parc Nature de Pointe-aux-Outardes, miles of boardwalks and fine sandy beaches allow visitors to observe animal and plant life in a tranquil setting. At the Centre d'interprétation des marais salés, you can learn more about this type of ecosystem, while leisurely watching Canada geese and snow geese during their seasonal migrations. The aboriginals have left their mark in the Manicouagan region; to appreciate their art, drop by the Musée amérindien et inuit, in Godbout. 

Wild yet accessible, Manicouagan welcomes visitors with incomparable warmth!

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