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In British Columbia, a community forest can be described as any forestry operation managed by a local government, community group, first nation or community-held corporation for the benefit of the entire community.

Here are some links to Community Forests in the South Island Forest District:

Bamfield Huu-ay-aht Community Forest - this jointly managed 438 hectares forest is located on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

Cowichan Tribes Community Forest - located South of the Cowichan River adjacent to the Provincial Park, East of Skutz Falls is managed by the Cowichan Tribes:

Recent Announcements:

Other Related Links:

If you would like to know more about the Community Forest in the South Island Forest District contact, Emma Neill:


  • The Sign: Indicates that information has been added or modified since January 23, 2006
  • This page last updated on January 23, 2006

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