Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Coast Forest Region
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FRPA and the Objectives Matrix ver: 3.4
Site Contents
SIFD Home Page  
Web site Index  
A. Objectives Matrix Introduction
B. Objectives Set by Government for the FRPA Values
C. Objectives Matrix Site Content List
D. Objectives Matrix FTP Site
1 Soils
2 Timber including Forest Health
3 Wildlife
4 Fish
5 Water
6 Biodiversity
7 Cultural Heritage Resources
8 Resources Features
9 Recreation Resources
10 Visual Quality
11 Forage & Associated Plant Communities
FRPA Training Web site
FRPA resource evaluation program
Defined Forest Area
Timber Supply Review
Forest Investment Account
Glossary of Forestry Terms

Forestry Acronyms

Forest and Range Practices Act site
Other Links
Recreation Program  
Clayoquot Sound  
Clayoquot Sound Home Page  
Forest Health Publications  
Trees of BC  
General Information
Coast Forest Region
Forest Region and District Transition
Forest Management in BC  



the matrix

the code

On December 17, 2002, the BC Government announced amendments to the Forest Practices Code (FPC) which heralded the first step towards a results-based code in BC. The Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) is in force since January 31, 2004 bringing results based management to forest and range resources into full effect in BC.

How to use the SIFD Web based Objectives Matrix:

1. The South Island Forest District Web based Objectives Matrix site contains Objectives set by Government, relevant legislation sections, documents, maps, and useful web links along with a rational in a hierarchical order, specific for the South Island Forest District Planning Area.

2. If you are interested in viewing objectives for one of the 11 FRPA values you can select the value from the list below.

3. If you are only interested in viewing or downloading the relevant documents, maps and GIS files grouped under the 11 FRPA values, use the Objectives Matrix Table of Content web page.

4. You can also access files directly from the Matrix FTP site.

Using this site is subject to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

For more information on FRPA please visit the FRPA Training Web site which provides information, recorded presentations and assessments from the Forest and Range Practices Act training program. This web site is designed for use as a training and support tool for forest, range, and woodlot practitioners

The functional architecture of FRPA includes three pillars:

  1. Objectives: government will establish objectives for managing and protecting forest and range values
  2. Plan and Practice Requirements: those conducting Practices must meet requirements in both approved operational plans and in the regulations
  3. Compliance and Enforcement: government will inspect activities for compliance with approved operational plans and other requirements in FRPA and the regulations

The three pillars are supported by:

  1. Professional Reliance: the judgment of resource professionals will be incorporated into the management of Crown land subject to regulations and other requirements including provisions of the professional associations
  2. Effectiveness Evaluation: government will conduct effectiveness evaluations to assess if desired outcomes for managing and protecting FRPA values are being achieved.

Government will set three types of objectives for managing and protecting forest and range values:

  1. Land Use Objectives
  2. Objectives in Regulations
  3. Objectives Enabled by Regulations

Because of the complexity of Objectives that exist in BC, the ministries responsible for FRPA identified a need to examine the hierarchy of objectives that apply in planning areas and provide information to licensees.

The Objectives Matrix contains various objectives and their hierarchy specific for the South Island Forest District Planning Area.

For more information select the Objectives Matrix or select individual FRPA values from the list below:

  1. Soils
  2. Timber including Forest Health
  3. Wildlife
  4. Fish
  5. Water
  6. Biodiversity
  7. Cultural Heritage Resources
  8. Resource Features
  9. Recreation Resources
  10. Visual Quality
  11. Forage and Associated Plant Communities

SIFD Objectives Matrix Version Updates:

  • Ver.: 1.0, Excel format Nov. 2003 to Jun. 2004
  • Ver.: 2.0, Access database format Jun. 2004 to Oct. 2004
  • Ver.: 3.0, Web base format, from Oct. 2004 to Dec. 13, 2004 regulation update to: FPPR, GAR, WLPPR, ARR, SFRPLR
  • Ver.: 3.1, from Dec. 13, 2004 to Feb. 24, 2005
  • Ver.: 3.2, from Feb. 24, 2005 to Mar. 2005, FRPA and regulation update
  • Ver.: 3.3, from Mar. 2005 to Dec. 15, 2005
  • Ver.: 3.4, from Dec. 15, 2005 to date, regulation update

Disclaimer: Please note that the Government is under no obligation to develop or provide the Objectives Matrix to FRPA stakeholders. The Matrix was developed to assist those who prepare operational plans with identifying objectives for which results and strategies must be developed within operational plans. The Ministry of Forests does not make any guarantees with respect to the accuracy, currency and reliability of the information contained within this Objectives Matrix.
It is the plan proponent's responsibility to ensure that all legal requirements are met.

The legislation extracts quoted in the text of this web site are for the users convenience only and they do not have legal status.
For the official legal text, please refer to the Queens Printer legal publications.

  • The sign:indicates that new information has been added.
  • The sign: indicates that a section has been modified or updated on July 04, 2006
  • The site was created and is maintained by the SIFD Stewardship Section
  • For information or comments related to the South Island Forest District Objectives Matrix web site please contact Attila Gereb, Stewardship Forester/Webmaster at:

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