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What is ABE?

Basic education is an umbrella term that refers to a wide range of services, credit, and non-credit programs designed to help adult learners achieve their goals.  These goals may include:

  1. increasing education and/or and certification levels;
  2. gaining prerequisites for further training or employment;
  3. enhancing life skills, independence and self-sufficiency; or
  4. learning skills in specific areas (such as technological literacy, communication skills, or portfolio development).

In Saskatchewan, there are four levels of Adult Basic Education:

  1. Levels 1 and 2 – non-literate to basic literacy
  2. Level 3 – equivalent to Adult 10
  3. Level 4 – Adult 12 completion

Credit Programs:

Successful completion of credit programs results in a certificate of standing, which is critical for gaining entrance to technical and trade schools, apprenticeship training, or university.  The knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained in secondary education are important for those who wish to enter or re-enter the labour force, who need retraining, or who wish to advance in a chosen career.
Credit Programs include:

  1. Adult Basic Education Level Three (Adult 10)
  2. Adult Secondary Competion (Adult 12)
  3. General Educational Development (GED)

Non-Credit Programs:

Non-credit programs are based on the needs of the members of the community and will vary from region to region.  Contact one of the following post-secondary institutions for more information on non-credit opportunities.

ABE Contacts:

A list of Adult Training Institutions offering ABE programs is avaialable here.


Information for requesting ABE transcripts is available here.