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Instructions for Using OWNERS

This document provides step-by-step instructions for accessing the on-line reporting application, and for creating and submitting reports to the programs included in OWNERS. The instructions are presented as follows:

Note: OWNERS will allow the user to save partially completed reports. See Note 1.

System Requirements - Operating Systems and Browsers

The following browsers and operating systems are supported:

On Microsoft Windows Operating Systems:

  • Windows NT 4 with Service Pack 4 or higher;
  • Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3 or higher;
  • Windows Millennium Edition;
  • Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 1 or higher; and
  • Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 or higher.

Browsers Supported:

  • Internet Explorer 5.5 with Service Pack 1 or higher (Microsoft VM, Sun JVM version 1.4.2_03 or higher);
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 with Service Pack 1 or higher (Microsoft VM, Sun JVM version 1.4.2_03 or higher); and
  • Netscape Communicator/Navigator 7.02 (Sun JVM version 1.4.2_03 or higher).

On Macintosh Operating Systems:

  • Mac OS X version 10.3.9 with Safari 1.3 (Apple JVM version 1.4.2_05 or higher); and
  • Mac OS X version 10.4 with Safari 2.0 (Apple JVM version 1.4.2_07 or higher).

Note: In addition, all browsers using e-Pass Canada must:

  • support 128-bit encryption;
  • have SSL 3.0 enabled;
  • have Cookies enabled;
  • have JavaScript enabled; and
  • have one of the following Java Virtual Machines (JVM) enabled:
    • Microsoft VM;
    • Sun JVM; or
    • Apple JVM.

For details regarding enabling java script and/or cookies see Note 9 at the end of the document.

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Step 1 - Register as a New User

Log-in to OWNERS

Go to the OWNERS website at, and on left-navigation bar click the "Register / Log-in" button. The Register/Log-in page will then be displayed along with any important notices concerning OWNERS. To continue the log-in procedure, click the "Proceed" button. You will then be directed to the epass Canada Log In / Register page.

To access the services under OWNERS, you are required to have a Government of Canada epass. All on-line users must have a valid epass. If you do not have an epass, you can obtain one by registering for a New epass by clicking on the "Register Now" button.

You will then be walked through the registration process. You will be required to select a user id, a password and recovery questions. Once the registration is complete, a welcome screen will be presented. If you are an existing user, these screens will show the last login event to the system.

You will be required to click "Continue" to proceed with the OWNERS user registration. You will then be required to set-up your OWNERS user profile.

If you have forgotten your epass user id or password and cannot recover them using your recovery questions, please register for a new user id and password on epass Canada and contact your regional office for further instructions.

Note: The following steps apply once you have logged into OWNERS.

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Step 2 - Create Facility or Verify and Update Facility Information

  1. To add a new facility, click the Facilities link in left navigation bar.
  2. Then complete the following :
    • Click Facilities (Left Navigation Bar)
    • Click Add
    • Complete Form
    • Click Save
    • Click Close
  3. To view or change information about a facility, click the name of facility on the Facilities tab.
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Step 3 - Default Contacts for Inventory Reports (OPTIONAL)

  1. This optional section simplifies the entry of the contact information for company coordinators and consultants by providing a default that the software will copy into each Inventory Report. The default contacts will only be copied into reports for which the facility contacts page indicates the use of the default contacts.
    Should you decide not to provide a default, you will need to enter this information for each reporting facility.
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Step 4 - Create Report for the Current Reporting Year and Enter Data

  1. Click the Reports link on the left navigation bar to go to the Reports List tab.
  2. If this is the first year the facility is reporting, a new report needs to be created.
    1. a. Click the "Add" button from the Reports List page
    2. Select the facility from the list presented and click the "Select" button
    3. Select the programs to which the facility is required to report to and click the "Proceed" button
    4. Click "Proceed" to complete the report for the appropriate regulatory body.
  3. If the facility reported for the previous reporting year(s), to prepare the current year's report, the past year's report will be used to pre-fill the current year's report.
    1. Select the report to be used for the pre-fill by clicking on the check box to the left of the report id.
    2. Once the report from the previous year has been selected, click the Pre-fill button.
    3. Select the year to pre-fill to.
    4. When the pre-fill action has been completed by the system, the reports list will be displayed.
    5. If OWNERS encounters a problem during the pre-fill, OWNERS will display the reports id of the affected report in an error message and the pre-fill action will not be competed for any of the selected reports.
  4. If the facility is reporting to the GVRD through OWNERS for the first year, complete Step 2 and Step 4.2.
  5. To select a report to edit, click on the report name (the underlined text link in the Report Name column) for the appropriate facility. When the report is opened the name of the facility, report type and programs included in the report will be displayed underneath the left navigation bar. Two tabs will be displayed:
    1. Inventory Reports (reporting to the NPRI, ON MOE, CCPA, AENV, or EPA-RCF)
      1. The facility report and substance report will be accessible for modification.
      2. The option exists to define their water bodies, off-sites and stacks on those tabs. The list defined here will appear when reporting releases to water bodies and transfers off-site for disposal.
      3. The substance tab, lists all of the substances included in the report. Click on the name of a substance to view the contents of its substance report. If you need to add a substance, click the "Add" button to search for and then add a substance to the report. To modify the contents of a substance report, click on the underlined name of the substance to open the report.
      4. When reporting stack emissions for CACs, releases to water bodies, or transfers off-site for disposal or recycling, the page where you specify the quantity released will list all entered stacks, all applicable water bodies and off-sites used in your report. Ensure that the quantity is listed as null (blank) for those not applicable to the specific substance, don't enter zero.
    2. Facility Closure
      OWNERS allows the reporter to electronically advise the NPRI of a facility closure. The form prompts the reporter to enter the date, month and year of the facility closure.
    3. Facility Ownership Change
      OWNERS allows the reporter to electronically advise the NPRI of an ownership change of the facility. The form prompts the reporter to enter the company name and address information and a contact for the purchasing company.
    4. Facility Not Meeting the Reporting Criteria
      OWNERS allows the reporter to electronically advise the NPRI of the fact that the facility does not meet the NPRI reporting criteria for the selected reporting year. The form prompts the reporter to enter the reason the facility does not meet the NPRI reporting criteria for the selected year
    5. GVRD Report
      1. To select a report to edit, click on the report name (the blue highligthed text link in the Report Name column) for the facility. This will take you to the General Information tab, the Contacts tab.
      2. Once the GVRD permit number is entered and saved on the General Information page, the corresponding GVRD forms that are required to be submitted on an annual basis will be displayed. Complete the tabs, then proceed to Step 5 - Check for and Correct Errors to continue.

  6. Navigation and Help within a report:

    • Because there are no "Next" or "Previous" screen buttons, once you have finished filling in the information on a tab, click the "Save" button to save your changes, then click on the next tab that you want to view / edit data.
    • To find brief instructions on how to use a page, click the "?" symbol at the top-right of the page to view instructions for the page. For more detailed instructions click the "For more information" text link in the yellow dialog box. Otherwise, click "Help" in the left navigation bar to view the table of contents for the Helpfile.
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Step 5 - Check for and Correct Errors

  1. Once you have completed the Facility report, Substances report and/or GVRD report, click the "Reports" tab from the left navigation bar to return to the Reports List.
  2. Select the check box next to each of the completed reports then click the "Check Errors" button to check for any errors in the selected reports.
  3. The error report can be printed or opened in a new window to facilitate corrections.
  4. Click "Close" to return to the list of reports and make the necessary corrections to the reports that contain errors.
  5. Re-run the error check to ensure that the reports are error-free.

NOTE: You must run an error check prior to completing steps 6 and 7.

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Step 6 - Submit and Electronically Certify the Report(s)

  1. Before you submit ensure that you have reviewed your report by running a summary (Data Summary button).
  2. On Reports List page, select the check box next to each of the applicable report(s) you want to submit, then click "Submit Reports" button.
  3. A page will be presented where you will confirm which report(s) are to be submitted, and may provide comments.
  4. Identify your Environment Canada region and language preference.
  5. Select the "I Agree" button for the Agreement to. The page will refresh and a new paragraph regarding electronic signature will appear. Enter your epass password. Click the "Submit" button to submit the report electronically. (You may cancel the Submit step at this time by clicking on the "Close" button.)

Hint : To submit all reports from the Reports List page, or to submit a selection of reports from a complete listing of reports

  1. Click on the "Submit Reports" button without selecting any reports.
  2. The Select Reports page will open.
  3. Once you have selected error-free reports to submit by using the check boxes, click on the "Submit Reports" button
  4. You will be directed to the Submit Reports page.
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Note 1 - In Progress Reports

  • A user may commence entering data into a report, save the data then log-off. The user may then log into OWNERS at a later time/date to continue entering data and submit the report.

Note 2 - Consultants who are hired by facility to consolidate and enter data into reports

  • OWNERS allows the facility to delegate permission to the consultant that is preparing the report for the facility.

Note 3 - Assigning Permission to Other Users

  • The person to whom you want to assign permission, must first register as a new user with OWNERS, the n provide you with the ir OWNERS assigned 8-letter user id . The OWNERS user id can be retrieved by consulting the User Profile tab on the left navigation bar. This user may register without an Access Code.
  • Once logged into OWNERS, click "Permissions" in the left navigation bar.
  • Click the check box next to the facility(s) for which you want to assign another user a permission, then click the "Assign" button.
  • On the subsequent page that appears, enter the OWNERS user id of the person who will be assigned permissions. Select the type of permission they will be assigned ("All" can submit reports; "Data Entry" can create reports and enter data but cannot submit reports). Click "Proceed" to complete the action.

Note 4 - Submitted Reports

  • Once the report has been submitted, you will still have access to view the contents of the report. If required at a later date, the contents of the report can be updated and submitted.

Note 5 - Report is Submitted Once (Not once to each program)

  • In OWNERS, the report is submitted once even though it may contain data for multiple programs. Once submitted, program staff will be able to extract a copy of the data that belongs to their program. They will not have access to the data submitted to other programs.

Note 6 - Retain a Copy of the Information on which the NPRI Report was Based

  • This is a legal requirement, pursuant to subsection 46(8) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, and the Canada Gazette notice. The owner or operator of a facility is required to keep copies of the required information, together with any calculations, measurements and other data on which the information reported was based. This information must be kept at the facility to which it relates or at the facility's parent company, located in Canada, for a period of three years from the date this notice comes into force.

Note 7 - Updating Reports

  • To update a report that was already submitted, click the check box next to the left of the report id, then click the "Update" button.
  • Once you have updated the contents of the report, check for errors and submit the report Electronically.

Note 8 - Confidential Information

  • Any person who provides information in response to the Gazette Notice for the 2004 NPRI may submit a written request that the information be treated as confidential based on the reasons set out in section 52 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
  • If you intend to request that the information contained in the NPRI be treated as confidential, contact an Environment Canada Regional Office PRIOR to entering data into OWNERS.
  • If you intend to request that the information contained in your GVRD report be treated as confidential, contact the GVRD office at 604-436-6777 PRIOR to entering data into OWNERS.

Note 9 - Adjusting Browser Settings

How to adjust your Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 settings?

Enabling Java/JavaScript

  • Select Tools from the browser Menu bar
  • Select Internet Options
  • Select Advanced tab
  • Enable Sun Java settings (ensure Sun Java 1.4.2_03 or higher is being used)
  • Click Apply on the Advanced window
  • Select Security tab
  • Select Custom Level
  • Scroll down to Active Scripting and ensure Enable is selected
  • Click OK on the Security Settings window
  • Click OK on the Internet Options window

If you don't see the option for the SUN JVM in the Advanced Tab, please download it at the SUN Microsystems website at

Enabling Cookies

  • Select Tools from the browser Menu bar
  • Select Internet Options
  • Select Privacy tab
  • Click the Advanced button
  • Click Override automatic cookie handling in the cookies box
  • Check the box always allow session cookies
  • Click OK buttons to exit

For the new settings to take effect, click Exit or close your browser.

How to adjust your Netscape Communicator/Navigator 7.02 settings?

Enabling Java/JavaScript

  • Select Edit from the browser Menu bar
  • Select Preferences on the menu
  • Select Advanced
  • Select Enable Java
  • Select Script & Plugins (if no subcategories are visible, double-click Advanced to expand the list.)
  • Select Enable JavaScript for Navigator
  • Click OK

Enabling Cookies

  • Select Edit from the browser Menu bar
  • Select Preferences on the menu
  • Select Privacy & Security
  • Click Cookies
  • Select Enable all Cookies
  • Click OK

For the new settings to take effect, click Exit or close your browser.

How to adjust your Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 settings?

Enabling Java and JavaScript

  1. Select Tools from the browser Menu bar.
  2. Select Options on the menu.
  3. Select Web Features.
  4. Check () Enable Java.
  5. Check () Enable JavaScript.

Enabling Cookies

  1. Select Tools from the browser Menu bar.
  2. Select Options on the menu.
  3. Select Privacy.
  4. Select Cookies.
  5. Check () Allow Sites to Set Cookies.
  6. Keep Cookies "until they expire".

After correcting your browser settings, please close your browser for the new settings to take effect.

How to adjust your Safari 1.3 and Safari 2.0 settings?

Enabling Java and JavaScript

  • Select Safari from the browser menu bar.
  • Select Preferences on the menu.
  • Select Security tab.
  • Where it says Web Content select the following:
    • Enable plug-ins.
    • Enable Java.
    • Enable JavaScript.

Enabling Cookies

  • Select Safari from the browser Menu bar.
  • Select Preferences on the menu.
  • Select Security tab.
  • Where it says Accept Cookies select either Always or Only from sites you navigate to.

After correcting your browser settings, please close your browser for the new settings to take effect.

What can you do if your browser does not have 128-bit SSL 3.0 encryption?

You can either download a complete browser package or upgrade the one you have.

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