Tourism, Culture and Recreation
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2007 No Place Like Home Advertising Package (PDF)
Marketing Activities and Partnership Opportunities 2007 (PDF) Printer Friendly Version

2006-2008 Strategic Plan (PDF) 
2006 In-Province Spring Sales Kit 
Exit Survey: Program Highlights (PDF) 
Exit Survey: Follow-up Survey (PDF) 
Strategic Cultural Plan - Creative Newfoundland and Labrador: The Blueprint for Developing and Investing in Culture (PDF)
Marketing Activities and Partnership Opportunities 2006 (PDF) 
2005-2006 Annual Report (PDF)


Colonial Building Provincial Historic Site Management Plan (PDF) 
Newfoundland and Labrador Product Development Strategy (PDF)
A Visitor Information Services Strategy for Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF)
Marketing Activities and Partnership Opportunities 2005 (PDF) 


Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Marketing Council - Strategic Marketing Plan 
2004-2008 (PDF)
Marketing Plan and Partnership Opportunities 2004
Provincial Archaeology Office Newsletter: Volume 3 for 2004 Field Season


Non-resident Automobile and Air Visitors by Origin and Purpose (PDF)
Non-Resident Automobile, Air and Cruise Visitation Statistics 2002 (PDF)
2003 Travel/Tourism Indicator Highlights (PDF)
2001-2002 Tourism, Culture and Recreation Annual Report (PDF)  
Marketing Plan and Partnership Opportunities 2003 (PDF)  
Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Marketing Strategy Review - Final Report (PDF)  
A Review of the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Tourism Marketing Strategy - Executive Summary Report (PDF)

Provincial Archaeology Office Newsletter: Volume 2 for 2003 Field Season


A Cultural Policy for Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF)
Marketing Plan and Partnership Opportunities 2002 (PDF)
Online Travel Guide

Non-Resident Automobile, Air & Cruise Visitation Statistics (PDF)

2001/2002 Travel/Tourism Indicator Highlights - PDF Format (PDF)

Provincial Archaeology Office Newsletter: Volume 1 Inaugural Edition


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