Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
Prime Minister Stephen Harper Français
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Prime Minister rallies troops in Kandahar, vows government will defend all that Canada has achieved

23 May 2007

Prime Minister Stephen Harper addressed Canadian troops in Afghanistan today, reaffirming support for the critical role the military is playing to help Afghans build a better life for themselves and their children.

“The progress Canada has made in the five years since its mission began is progress that could not be possible unless our men and women in uniform put themselves on the line,” the Prime Minister said. “Every day, our troops personify Canadian values and virtues in Afghanistan, reflecting the very best Canada has to offer.”

Canada has shown leadership in international efforts in Afghanistan by committing development assistance and deploying diplomats, development workers, troops and civilian police to help the Afghan government secure a better future for its people. As Canadian Forces provide a secure environment, the Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar Province remains key to carrying out reconstruction and development efforts in Afghanistan.

“With their selfless efforts and accomplishments in Afghanistan as our proof, we will let no one diminish all that Canada has achieved here,” the Prime Minister added. “And such achievements come only through the secure environment our troops are building here, and from the training and mentoring they are providing the Afghanistan coalition, through this mission.”

Following a day of touring Afghan aid and development sites, and bilateral discussions with President Hamid Karzai in the capital of Kabul, the Prime Minister met with troops at the Kandahar Air Field, and visited one of the Canadian Forces forward operating bases.

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