Welcome to Elections Saskatchewan

Provincial General Election
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

On Wednesday, October 10, 2007, pursuant to section 3 of The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, 2005 (Saskatchewan), the twenty-fifth provincial Legislative Assembly was dissolved by the Honourable Dr. Gordon L. Barnhart, Lieutenant Governor in Council. Pursuant to section 31 of The Election Act, 1996 (Saskatchewan) a Lieutenant Governor's order was passed directing the Chief Electoral Officer to issue a writ of election to the Province's fifty-eight (58) constituency returning officers enabling the Saskatchewan electorate to go to the polls on Wednesday, November 7, 2007.

Upon the Legislative Assembly's dissolution Member standing was 30 New Democrat and 28 Saskatchewan Party.

The Representation Act, 2002

Saskatchewan's current constituency boundaries were enacted in 2002 under The Representation Act, 2002 (Saskatchewan), based on the recommendations of the Constituency Boundaries Commission, 2002 (the "2002 Commission"), as established under The Constituency Boundaries Act, 1993 (Saskatchewan). The 2002 Commission recommended the establishment of fifty-eight (58) provincial constituencies inclusive of two (2) northern constituencies and fifty-six (56) southern constituencies of equal voter size.

Elections Saskatchewan

© 2007 Elections Saskatchewan