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Canadian Commercial Corporation Canada's International Contracting Agency
Aerospace, Defence and Security Emerging and Developing Markets Service Offerings About CCC

CCC's Role In Emerging and Developing Markets


CCC's History in Emerging and Developing Markets

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Market Access for Canadian Exporters

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Access to Canadian Expertise

Fullfilling Government of Canada requirements

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Emerging and Developing Markets

Fullfilling Government of Canada requirements

CCC can play a key role in supporting Canadian programs and initiatives in emerging and developing country markets. The Corporation can support Canadian government departments and agencies in delivering Canada’s global development assistance commitments through effective and timely supply arrangement services.

CCC is a Crown corporation, providing our Canadian and foreign government clients with the assurance of transparent practices at every phase of the supply process – from posting the tender to supplier selection through project auditing – attesting to the importance we place on accountability.

Delivering effective supply arrangement services

As government focuses on the basic building blocks of development – stability and reconstruction, effective governance structures, robust health and education systems – CCC can help access high-quality products and services to help achieve short and long-term objectives.

CCC can assist at every stage of the supply cycle from helping to define requirements to a customized supply arrangement strategy and sourcing the products and services needed. CCC can also provide a solicitation strategy, and evaluates the proposals received based on specified criteria, supplier capability, and cost.

Contracting expertise on-demand

CCC can use its considerable expertise to negotiate, administer and execute contracts, attending to details such as shipping, inspection and acceptance. Canadian government departments and agencies can also benefit from centralized accounting services, wherein CCC performs invoice verification and manages payment to suppliers for work completed.

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