Census > 2006 Census: Reference material >

Nearly one in five households completed their census questionnaire online

NEARLY ONE in five households completed their questionnaire for the 2006 Census online.

Nationally, 18.5% of Canadian households took advantage of the first-ever opportunity to complete their census questionnaire on the Internet by the end of August 2006.

The rate was highest in Alberta, where 21.4% of households filled out their questionnaire online. Rates were also above the national average in the Yukon (20.5%), British Columbia and Ontario (both at 20.1%).

Proportions were lowest in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut because most households are canvassed by census representatives.

In terms of household size, 26.0% of households that had five or more people responded online, the highest proportion. In contrast, 19.5% of households with two to four people responded online, while only 13.5% of single-member households did so.

Internet response rates: Canada, provinces and territories %
Canada 18.5
Newfoundland and Labrador 16.0
Prince Edward Island 14.8
Nova Scotia 17.0
New Brunswick 16.0
Quebec 15.6
Ontario 20.1
Manitoba 15.0
Saskatchewan 15.0
Alberta 21.4
British Columbia 20.1
Yukon Territory 20.5
Northwest Territories 13.6
Nunavut 0.0

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