Census > 2006 Census: Reference material >

Change or verify your response to the consent question on the 2006 Census of Population

The long and short form questionnaire both include the following question (number 8 on the short form or number 53 on the long form) on the release of personal data after 92 years:

Does this person agree to make his/her 2006 Census information available for public release in 2098 (92 years after the census)?

To change your response

If you wish to change your response to this question, print and complete the Request for Change form and mail it back to the address indicated.  Click here for PDF version.  

Note: A separate form must be completed for each member of the household who wishes to have their response to this question changed.

To verify your response

If you wish to verify your response to this question, print and complete the Request for Verification form and mail it back to the address indicated. Click here for PDF version.

Note: A separate form must be completed for each member of the household who wishes to have their response to this question verified. 

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