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Bank of Canada

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Bank Notes


Materials for Law Enforcement and Court Proceedings

The Bank of Canada offers free materials and services to support members of law enforcement agencies and Crown prosecutors in counterfeit deterrence. Our materials can be used to:

  1. Increase knowledge among police officers
    Our printed and multimedia materials explain the security features of bank notes, the advice given to the public and businesses on what to do with suspected counterfeit bills, and background information on the nature of counterfeiting in Canada.
  2. Support activities to raise awareness in the community
    Many of our printed and multimedia materials are useful for community information sessions, or handouts at police departments. The public and businesses often look to police agencies for information on bank notes and counterfeiting.
  3. Provide legal resources for Crown prosecutors
    The toolkit for Crown prosecutors includes materials to help build a case to be brought before the courts. We have trial materials, sentencing materials, and sentencing precedents.
  4. Help take counterfeit bills out of circulation
    The counterfeit submission form helps police agencies work with businesses to get counterfeit bills to the RCMP lab, and support the RCMP in their investigations of counterfeiting activity.

Most printed items can be downloaded. You can also order items for delivery by mail.

Please use the form below to submit your order. Payment is required for multiple copies of the DVD, VHS, or CD. We will respond by fax or email to let you know the amount due and how you can pay.

Printed materials

Item Description Online Quantity
Leaflet A quick overview of the basics: the security features in Canadian paper money and what people should do with a suspected counterfeit bank note.
Leaflet, unfolds to 7 panels Download Order
Booklet Bank notes in detail: the security features in paper money; the Bank's role in reducing counterfeiting; laws about counterfeiting and the use of bank note images; the counterfeiting situation in Canada; what to do if you think you have a counterfeit note; features to help the blind and the visually impaired recognize notes; description of the designs and images of each denomination.
16 pages Download Order
Quick-reference cards A practical tool consisting of small cards and a magnifier assembled on a key ring. Provides at-a-glance description of key security features to look for when checking a bank note, and the steps the public should follow if they have a suspected counterfeit note.
Double-sided, laminated, business-card size By mail only

Deterrence signage Adhesive, vinyl window sign and point-of-sale sticker stating "Our policy is to verify bank notes". Designed for the retail sector, they serve two purposes:
  • explain to customers that bank note verification is routine so no one feels singled out
  • discourage criminals from passing counterfeits

Could be distributed by police agencies to contacts in the community.

Vinyl, 10 x 10 cm, 4 x 4 inches By mail only

Sticker, 6.5 x 6.5 cm, 2.5 x 2.5 inches By mail only

Bank note security kit A kit containing most of our printed materials. Includes our leaflet, booklet, deterrence signage, information on U.S. bank notes, a small magnifier, and an order form for requesting more materials.
Folders plus contents, 23 x 30 cm, 9 x 12 inches By mail only

Shelf-talkers Pads of coupon-sized sheets, 100 sheets per pad. Adhesive back. Designed for the retail sector, they help explain to customers why bank notes are checked. Discourages counterfeiters if displayed in a location visible to the public. Could be distributed by police agencies to contacts in the community.
Why we check your bills By mail only

Fraud-prevention poster Helps communicate to the public that bank notes are routinely checked to help protect everyone from counterfeit notes. Serves as a counterfeit deterrent if displayed in a location visible to the public.
22 x 28 cm, 8.5 x 11 inches By mail only

28 x 43 cm, 11 x 17 inches By mail only

Legal resources for investigating and prosecuting counterfeiting offences The Bank of Canada has developed a legal toolkit to assist with court proceedings. The materials were developed in collaboration with the federal Department of Justice and the provincial Attorneys General. All files can be downloaded in PDF format.

Trial materials

Department of Justice Presentation
Counterfeiting paper by Professor Patrick Healy
Counterfeiting manual – David Littlefield
Certificate of examiner of counterfeit
Draft Interim Certificate of Examination
Notice of intent to introduce certificate of examiner of counterfeit
Federal Provincial Territorial Counterfeiting Subcommittee, RCMP and Bank of Canada

Sentencing materials

Counterfeiting in Canada by Professor John Chant
Canadian counterfeit bank note statistics
Summary of information on the prevalence and impact of counterfeiting
Affidavit on the prevelance and impact of counterfeiting
Admissibility of evidence of prevalence and impact on sentencing hearings
Victim impact legislation summary
Counterfeiting sentencing memo
Counterfeiting sentencing presentation
Fraud sentencing memo

Sentencing precedents – Ontario

R. v. Kiss
R. v. Lussier
R. v. Paolinelli
R. v. Rafuse
R. v. Weber
R. v Cripps
R. v Grozell
R. V. Hayden
R. v. Kore
R. v. Mihalkov
R. v. Nasser
R. v. Sponaugle
R. v. Vetesnik

Anti-Counterfeiting Connections The Bank of Canada has developed a quarterly newsletter that provides insight into counterfeiting trends, legal proceedings, and networking opportunities that should be of interest to law enforcement and prosecutors. All files can be downloaded in PDF.
Fall 2007
Summer 2007
Spring 2007
Multimedia Materials  
Counterfeit Currency Analysis: An online distance learning course This online course was developed by the Bank of Canada and the RCMP to provide basic skills and knowledge about counterfeit bank notes. Please note that this course is available only to police officers and Bank of Canada employees.
More information
Educational video 18-minute audiovisual presentation of security features in bank notes; quick tips on how to check bills during a cash transaction; what to do if you think you have a counterfeit note. A good resource for information sessions in the community. (First VHS or DVD is free; $5 for each additional copy.)
VHS Download Order
DVD Download Order
Computer-based training A 35-minute, interactive video divided into modules, so you can choose the subjects you want to cover. Overview of security features in bank notes; what the public should do with a suspected counterfeit note; quick tips for checking bank notes. (First CD is free; $5 for each additional copy.)
Download or order CD Download Order
Other Resources  
Training seminars Provided by Bank of Canada staff through our offices in Ottawa, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montréal, and Halifax. These free presentations can be customized to suit your needs and are regularly presented in partnership with local police agencies. Topics include the security features in bank notes; quick tips for checking notes; what to do with a suspected counterfeit. Duration: 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the content covered. For more information, please call 1 888 513-8212.
Learning module for secondary schools: Counterfeit Detection A ready-made, two-day unit, ideal for responsible citizenship or civics courses, or work-related programs that help students develop skills for the workforce. Police agencies could promote the unit through their contacts with local schools. Introduces high school students to the nature of counterfeiting as a crime; its impacts on society; their role in reducing counterfeiting; and how to recognize genuine and counterfeit bills. The multimedia kit includes lesson plans, quizzes, and materials. For more information, please call 1 888 513-8212.
RCMP counterfeit submission form This form may be used by businesses, banks, and police agencies. Businesses and banks can use the form when they have suspected counterfeit bills, but the person who passed them is no longer present. The form may also be used by police to submit suspected counterfeits to the RCMP lab for analysis. The information gathered by the form assists the RCMP in the forensic examination and classification of counterfeit bills

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