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Grant Programs

Grants Calendar
How To Apply
Who received a grant?
Aboriginal Arts Secretariat
Audience and Market Development
Grant Policies
Media Arts
Aboriginal Peoples Music Program
An overview of the music commissioning program
Career Development Program: Annual Grants to Managers and Agents
Career Development Program: Project Grants to Artists
Commissioning of Canadian Compositions
Concert Production and Rehearsal Program for Non-Classical and Chamber Classical Music
Frequently Asked Questions: Grants for Specialized Sound Recording
Grants for Specialized Music Distribution
Grants for Specialized Music Sound Recording
Grants to Professional Musicians (Individuals): Classical Music
Grants to Professional Musicians (Individuals): Non-Classical Music
International Touring Assistance in Music (Pilot Project)
Music Festival Programming Project Grants
Music Festival Travel Grants
Music Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund
Music Touring Grants
New Music Program: Multi-Year and Annual Funding
New Music Program: Project Funding (includes Music in Alternative Spaces Grants)
Opera/Music Theatre Program
Professional Choir Program
Professional Orchestra Program
Residencies for Composers and Conductors
The Flying Squad: An Organizational Development Program in Music
Travel Grants to Professional Musicians (Individuals)
Visual Arts
Writing & Publishing
Additional Information for Application Deadlines
Alberta Creative Development Initiative
Alberta Creative Development Initiative: Grants to Individuals
Alberta Creative Development Initiative: Grants to Organizations
Artists and Community Collaboration Program (ACCP)
Background information on the allocation of new funds
Frequently asked questions - new funds
Final Report forms
Flying Squad Guide - Sample Contract
Guide for anglophone artists and arts organizations in Quebec
Guide for francophone artists and arts organizations in minority situations in Canada
Guide to using the Flying Squad Program
New funds
List of peer assessors by discipline - Supplementary Operating Funds Initiative
Results of competition for new funds
The Flying Squad
Visiting Foreign Artists Program