
Exhibitions rich in information, artifacts and engaging experiences promise hours (even days!) of exploration. But what if your time is limited? This guide will help you to choose exhibitions according to your interests and the amount of time you have.

Pick up our Visitors Map in the Museum lobby; it will help you find your way to the different locations.

Canadian Experience Galleries

Gallery 1 – Battleground

Wars on Our Soil, earliest times to 1885

The wars of First Peoples, the French, and the British shaped Canada and Canadians.

Gallery 2 – For Crown and Country

The South African and First World Wars, 1885-1931

Canada’s contributions in these overseas wars led to a growing autonomy and international recognition, but at great cost.

Gallery 3 – Forged in Fire

The Second World War, 1931-1945

Canada’s fight against dictatorships overseas transformed the country and its place in the world.

Gallery 4 – A Violent Peace

The Cold War, Peacekeeping, and Recent Conflicts, 1945 to the present

Canada became a respected international player through its commitments to Western defence and peacekeeping.

5 – The Royal Canadian Legion Hall of Honour

The Royal Canadian Legion Hall of Honour explores Canada’s long history of honouring individuals, and how Canadians have remembered and commemorated their military past.

6 – LeBreton Gallery: The military technology collection

The Military Technology Collection

A diverse collection of vehicles, artillery and other large artefacts tell the personal stories of war, from the 17th century to the present.

7 – Regeneration Hall

An Architecture of Hope

Rising up to the highest point in the Museum with a tightly framed view of the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill, Regeneration Hall is a physical representation of hope for a better future.
