Afghanistan: A Glimpse of War

Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae Gallery
February 9, 2007 - April 27, 2008

This groundbreaking exhibition presents Canada’s participation in the war in Afghanistan. From 9/11 to the evening news, discover personal stories drawn from the chaos of battle and the struggle for peace. This exhibition provides a glimpse of Canada’s involvement in the “war on terror,” and in helping to rebuild a country shattered by years of war.

The exhibition features a number of important artifacts to convey the human experience of the current struggle. These include wreckage from a Canadian military vehicle destroyed by a roadside bomb, a piece of aircraft wreckage from the World Trade Centre terrorist bombing, and material from the Afghan national elections.

An exhibition developed by the Canadian War Museum, featuring images by journalists Stephen Thorne and Garth Pritchard.


War Brides: Portraits of an Era

Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae Gallery
May 12, 2007 - January 6, 2008

An evocative installation of paintings, photos, objects, and commentaries relay the life-changing experiences of some of the 44,000 women who came to Canada at the end of the Second World War as war brides. The contemporary material speaks of love and war, and adventure and hardship in a time of tremendous upheaval. An exhibition organized by the Canadian War Museum in collaboration with Bev Tosh.


Stitches in Time

North Corridor, Canadian Experience Galleries
May 12, 2007 - March 30, 2008

Through 15 richly-coloured quilted artworks, textile Artist Johnnene Maddison interprets the Second World War experiences of her mother and other women workers, providing a unique view of the complexity of life on the home front.

An exhibition organized by the Canadian War Museum in collaboration with Johnnene Maddison.


Lifelong Learners: Women and War


Begin your day with Dr. Laura Brandon and explore the Museum’s unparalleled collection of war art. Learn how women were portrayed through art in wartime, see the work of women war artists, and explore the Museum’s War Brides exhibit for an evocative installation of paintings, photos and objects that relay the life-changing experiences of some of the 44,000 women who came to Canada at the end of the Second World War as war brides.

Next, join Dr. Amber Lloydlangston as she explores women’s roles and experiences during the Second World War. From a Sweetheart Pin to a Mae West life jacket, from a photograph of Veronica the Bren Gun Girl to the uniforms of the women’s divisions, discover women’s roles and their portrayal during wartime.

In English: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae Gallery


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