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Sylvie - 11/15/2007 [11:37]
, Québec,, Canada

Encore moi avec mon p'tit bonjour du Québec pour vous tous!
N'hésitez pas à me laisser également un p'tit bonjour si vous en avez la possibilité.

Les nouvelles vous concernant sont très rares je dois dire.
Souhaitant que le climat ne soit pas trop pointu (et là je ne parle pas de la température!)
Apparemment qu'il y a la saison des pluies là-bas ... est-elle commencée et calme-t-elle les ardeurs d'attaque contre vous ou bien c'est l'inverse qui se produit,ça les rend + agressifs? 

Y en a-t-il parmi vous qui vont revenir bientôt pour un congé parmi les vôtres pour le temps des fêtes? Si oui, les dodos doivent être comptés! 

Continuez tous votre excellent travail,votre présence est importante.

N'oubliez pas,vous êtes la fierté de beaucoup de gens,les témoignages reçus en font foi mais n'oubliez surtout pas une chose primordiale, EN TOUT PREMIER LIEU



* Carlo c'est toujours un plaisir de prendre connaissance des messages que tu laisses aux gens qui écrivent.Quelle fidélité! Comme je le mentionnais dans un message précédent,tu es comme un réconfort pour nous.Par le biais de tes réponses, on est un peu informé ... MERCI! 

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Margaret Isaacs - 11/15/2007 [11:15]
Lawn, Newfoundland,, Can

Day 169:Hey troops hello from the Rock,hold your heads up high and think we all did a great job.Stay well and stay safe where ever you are.God bless.

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dylan - 11/15/2007 [11:11]
, ,, Canada

dear troop's thank you for protecting our country.I feel sorry  for all the soldiers  that died.I dont whant there to be any wars. can you stop wars?  your friend dylan

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Carmen - 11/15/2007 [10:43]
, British Columbia,, Canada

Dear Soldiers,
We are students from Chilliwack, BC.  We just had a Remebrance Day assembly at our school and we wanted to write to say thank you for helping children in Afganistan.  We like going to school and hope all children will one day go to school.  We hope you come home safely.
Mrs Hartman's Grade One Class

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Nadine - 11/15/2007 [10:42]
, Newfoundland,, Canada

I know you have probably heard this a million times by now but I wanted to add my bit - Thank You!!! I have three small children and a I am eternally grateful for you putting yourselves on the line, everyday, away from your families to try to make the world a safer place.  I can't imagine a tougher job.  Try to keep yourselves safe.  Come home soon.

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Kathy - 11/15/2007 [09:53]
Angus, Ontario,, Canada

The Holidays are fast approaching and here is what our family is doing to support your efforts over there.
We painted our halloween pumpkins this year with yellow ribbons that said support the troops instead of traditional jack-o-lanterns, we wear red every Friday now and we have noticed the trend is really growing, we see a lot of people doing the same thing.
We keep you in our prayers asking that you come home safely.
Most of all we let other people know and we want you to know, how very proud we are of what you are doing and how grateful we are that you were willing to take on a tough job on behalf of your country.
Thank You very much!

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Dave Watson - 11/15/2007 [09:38]
Ottawa, Ontario,, Canada

To our guys and gals serving Canada overseas. This all Canadian site is possible thanks to you so come on by and talk to us.

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Eric Michaud - 11/15/2007 [08:55]
Saint-John, Nouveau-Brunswick,, Canada

Hey la gang!! continuez votre bon travail et lachez pas pi ceci est un message pour la gang de brayon la bas tout de suite!!! Soyez de fier ambassadeur de la région du Madawaska

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cindy - 11/15/2007 [07:57]
dartmouth, Nova Scotia,, canada

hi there found this site on facebook wanted  send our support to the troops my grandfather was in ww1 i remember lots of stories that my grandmother told me my granfather went through alot and was away fr his family for a long time my heart goes out to the famlies who are waiting for their memebers to come home and for the ones who never will take care

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Rebecca O'Sullivan - 11/15/2007 [07:07]
Newmarket, Ontario,, Canada

Whether or not we are in agreement with the politics behind our Canadian Forces being in Afghanistan, everyone at home stands behind each and every man and woman who has dedicated his/her life to our great Country.  We recognize your huge sacrifice--from the daily one you make by being away from your family and loved ones to the ultimate one that you may make, but we pray every day you never do. Love from Home.

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mary - 11/15/2007 [07:04]
mississauga, Ontario,, canada

Hi everyone. hope all is well.thanks for being in afghanastan for canada.  be safe and god speed. will keep praying for you all

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dave - 11/15/2007 [06:45]
st john's, Newfoundland,, canada

to all you troops where ever you are keep up the good work,the world needs more people like you who are willing to put thier lives at risk to protect our country and others around the world.please be safe,careful,and keep your powder dry. Support for all who are with you.my family hopes you will all be home soon.Boys, keep alert,and you head on a swivel,my last comment,carry on as you were,

                      be careful
                      be safe

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Susan Csikos - 11/15/2007 [02:56]
Barrie, Ontario,, Canada

You guys are doing a great job.. I hope you guys still find time to have fun under these conditions. I think i know how hard it is on you as i personally dont like arguing and or fighting... but i do if i have to stick up for myself or my sons.... I wish everyone there a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year.... Try not to get too drunk, hehehe....lol .... If anyone would like to write back to me,, that would be nice if not thats ok as well as i know how busy you probably are.... Again take care and keep safe....sue

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MS Laurie Guimond - 11/15/2007 [02:53]
Cold Lake, Alberta,, Canada

To the two gentlemen who took time out of their day to respond to my Mom's letters, I thank you very much.  She is an adorable lady who wanted to do something so she wrote letters to the troops for Christmas.  She didn't expect any response, but had hoped for one.  She was thrilled to tears when she received two letters.  You absolutely made her day.  For your thoughtfulness and your time, please accept my heartfelt appreciation and best wishes.  Mom also asked me to pass on her best wishes to your UK counterparts and to assure them they are in her thoughts and prayers as well.  Best wishes to all,


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Bob Cochrane - 11/15/2007 [01:41]
Lions Bay, British Columbia,, Canada

Hey Guys,

I was in the military for 3 years and realally appreciate what you are doing. My heartfelt thanks to you guys and your families who know what Canada is all about. I came to Canada in 1951 from Scotland where all I knew about Canada was from Canadains fighting in WW11.
You Guys and your families are carrying on that very proud tradition. God Bless you all.

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Paul Lefneski - 11/15/2007 [00:50]
Guelph, Ontario,, CANADA

MY father is a WW2 vet. We support all of the A.F. May GOD be with you! The Lefneski Family

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Jonathan Matchett - 11/15/2007 [00:26]
Beiseker, AB, Alberta,, OH CANADA!

From my hometown of Kitchener, ON to the West Coast and now the Gateway to the West in AB, you make it possible for me to go wherever I want to go without hesitation or fear. As a volunteer fire fighter and soon to be EMT in the Village of Beiseker, I want to say THANK YOU, you are ultimate WORLD PEACE volunteers!
Im an early bird so, I wish you all the best this forthcoming holiday season.

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Carlo Gagnon - 11/14/2007 [23:59]
, ,, Kandahar

On behalf of myself, and all my co-workers here in Afghanistan, I would like to say a "BIG THANK YOU"  to each and every one of you who took a moment as "Remmberance Day" was approaching, to write a message of support. I want you to know that your messages were read, and really appreciated by us on our side of the world, once again thank you and keep supporting us...

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Carlo Gagnon - 11/14/2007 [23:59]
, ,, Kandahar

En mon nom personnel et au nom de tous mes confrères ici en Afghanistan, j'aimerais vous dire un GROS MERCI, à tous les élèves, professeurs, et chacun de vous qui avez pris la peine de nous écrire un message de support lors des derniers jours à l'approche du jour du souvenir. Vos messages ont été lus par plusieurs d'entre nous et furent très appréciés

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Gaétane B. - 11/14/2007 [23:51]
Québec, Québec,, Canada

Bonjour à vous tous,
Bon courage dans tout ce que vous faites pour que la paix puisse arriver un jour. Mes pensées sont avec vous, et être loin de sa famille ne doit pas être très facile. Un gros merci pour les efforts fournis, et je vous envoie beaucoup de pensées positives, afin que vous puissiez garder le moral, j'aurai une grande pensée surtout à l'approche des fêtes, car se n'est pas facile de passer les fêtes seules et encore pire dans un autre pays loin des siens.
Bon courage chers ami(e)s vaillants et aimables.

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serge coulombe - 11/14/2007 [22:33]
rimouski, Québec,, canada

bonjour je suis le pere d'un militaire et je suis tres fier de lui et de ses compagnon d'arme et ne laché pas on pensse a vous et hate de vs revoir. salut

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James BIRCHALL - 11/14/2007 [22:07]

Dear CF,

What a nice Rememberance Day service here in Calgary at the Jubilee Auditorium.

While waiting for the doors to open, I had the privilige to meet a soldier from Edmonton who was visiting Calgary for the weekend.  He is with the regular force and will soon be deployed to Afghanistan.  Very nice chap. 

It was so nice to see the younger groups getting involved in the service.  There was a parade afterwards with cadets from all three branches of the Canadian Forces as well as groups from the Scouting movement.

I understand the service in Ottawa was a record breaker with over thirty thousand people!


James B.

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Valerie F. - 11/14/2007 [20:52]
St-Nicolas, Québec,, Canada

Je tenais simplement à vous souhaitez une bonne nuit.  J’espère que votre journée s’est bien déroulée?  Personnellement, la mienne a été très ordinaire.  Parfois j’aimerais bien vivre comme dans le film Groundhog Day et recommencer certaines scènes !  Par exemple aujourd‘hui, j’aurais insulté mon boss, injecté une Intra-Musculaire de 7 pouces dans la fesse du patient qui s’amusait à pogner les miennes, embrassé le super mec qui me dévisageait dans l’ascenseur et j’aurais pris le premier avion pour venir vous porter des petits gâteau Vachon !  Bon assez les niaiseries,  bref j’ai pensé à vous une bonne partie de la journée en me disant que vous, vous pouviez vous plaindre avec raison…Continuer votre beau travail, vous êtes mes héros et héroïnes.
Valérie Xxx

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tina - 11/14/2007 [20:42]
angus, ,, canada

Hi Steven
Well are holidays went by to fast i wish that it would be as fast as you being gone.We miss you and we are proud of you,we wish that you would be here for the holidays but we know that won t happen but we will keep are tree until you come home and have are x-mas together as a family.But keep strong for us and we will too.
We love you so much and miss you as much xoxoxoxoo

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Stan & Bev & the Delta Bible Study Group - 11/14/2007 [20:41]
N. Delta, British Columbia,, Canada

As a prayer Bible Study Group we consider it an Honour to Pray for your safety and Well Being to our Sovereign Lord. Also any Prayer needs do let us know. Ps. 91:11 for He shall give His angels charge over you.

In His Service
The Delta Bible Study group

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