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The Canada Savings Bond
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Q: What is the Canada Savings Bond?
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The Canada Savings Bond was created in 1946 by the Government of Canada to help Canadians reach their savings and investment goals. Canada Savings Bonds now include two product types: the Canada Savings Bond (CSB) and the Canada Premium Bond (CPB). Click here for information on the CPB. The Canada Savings Bond, with guaranteed returns and the option of redeeming at any time, gives you both maximum flexibility and security. The CSB is fully backed by the Government of Canada.

While the Canada Savings Bond has a 10-year term to maturity, interest rates are often announced for a shorter period and remain in effect for that announced period. At the end of the period, new rates will be announced by the Minister of Finance based on the then prevailing market conditions. Interest rates on the Canada Savings Bond, however, can be increased at any time should market conditions warrant.

Q: Where can I buy the Canada Savings Bond?
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There are four convenient and flexible ways to purchase the CSB:

Between early October and April 1,

  1. You can order online at ;
  2. You can buy directly by calling toll-free 1 888 773-9999, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm, Eastern Time;
  3. You can also purchase the CSB at most banks, credit unions, caisses populaires or trust companies across Canada, as well as through most full service investment dealers and discount brokerage companies;
  4. You can buy it through the Payroll Savings Program at work with regular deductions from each pay if your employer is a sponsor. Most sponsoring organizations have their sales campaign during October.

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Q: When can I buy a Canada Savings Bond?
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Each year, the CSB is available from early October to April 1. Click here for the specific issue dates and bond series. If you are purchasing a CSB through your workplace, most organizations run their campaigns in October.

Q: Where can I find current rates?
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The rates for the CSB are displayed on this Web site. They also are available wherever you bank or invest.

While the Canada Savings Bond has a 10-year term to maturity, interest rates are often announced for a shorter period and remain in effect for that announced period. At the end of the period, new rates will be announced by the Minister of Finance based on the then prevailing market conditions. Interest rates on the Canada Savings Bond, however, can be increased at any time should market conditions warrant.
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Q: How much can I buy?
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You can buy a CSB for as little as $100 – or for as little as $2 per week on the Payroll Savings Program. The maximum amount you can generally own per series is $500,000 per type of registration (for exceptions, please refer to the terms and conditions).

If you participate in the Payroll Savings Program, your purchase of Canada Savings Bond will be recorded as of the date the Bank of Canada receives your regular payroll deductions from your employer.

Q: What types of interest options are available for the CSB?
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You have two options:

You can buy regular interest bonds that pay interest annually until maturity on the anniversary of the issue date or at redemption. Your interest can be deposited directly into your bank account or paid to you by cheque. Regular interest bonds are available in denominations of $300, $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000.


You can buy compound interest bonds, where the interest is automatically reinvested annually so that your savings grow quicker until your bonds are redeemed or mature. These are available in denominations of $100, $300, $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000.

Only compound interest bonds are available through the Payroll Savings Program or for The Canada RSP and The Canada RIF. Bonds purchased within The Canada RSP or The Canada RIF, as well as those purchased through the Payroll Savings Program, do not have certificates and therefore do not have denominations. Instead, statements of account outlining the details of your investments will be issued (annually as at December 31 for the Payroll Savings Program, semi-annually as at June 30 and December 31 for The Canada RSP; and quarterly for The Canada RIF).
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Q: Who is eligible to own a CSB?
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The CSB may be owned by Canadian residents. Federal and provincial government employees, including armed forces personnel, and their immediate family stationed outside the country may also purchase the CSB. The CSB may be registered under the name of an individual or two or more individuals with or without right of survivorship. It may also be held by estates, charitable organizations, sole proprietorships, personal trusts or trusts governed by registered plans (such as self-directed RRSPs, RRIFs, and RESPs). Not all types of registrations are provided for under the Payroll Savings Program (please refer to the appropriate terms and conditions).

Q: When can I redeem my CSB?
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The CSB can be redeemed at any time. If you redeem your CSB prior to 3 months following the issue date, you will receive the full face value of the bond only. If you redeem them after that date, you will receive the full face value plus all the interest earned for each full month that has elapsed since the issue date (or the last anniversary of the issue date for regular interest bonds) until the earlier of the maturity date and the redemption date.

(A CSB purchased under the Payroll Savings Program accrues interest on a daily basis based on the outstanding closing balance.)
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Q: Can I buy the CSB for my RRSP?
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You can buy the CSB for your self-directed plan, or directly within The Canada RSP. This plan is only for compound interest bonds (C-Bonds), and there are no fees or hidden charges. The minimum investment in The Canada RSP is $500 per series per registration. (See RRSP option for further details.)

(Please refer to the appropriate terms and conditions for the minimum periodic purchases provided under the Payroll Savings Program.)

Q: What are the purchase and issue dates for the Canada Savings Bond for the 2007/2008 sales campaign?
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For cash purchases, the purchase date is the date the application is completed and the funds are authorized by the purchaser to be released to the Sales Agent. The table below outlines the purchase/issue dates for the 2007/2008 sales campaign. Most CSB purchasers buying through the Payroll Savings Program will receive the November 1 issue (Series 108). Their purchases of CSB will be recorded as of the date the Bank of Canada receives their regular payroll deductions from their employer.

For transfers from a registered plan to The Canada RSP or The Canada RIF, the issue date is determined based on the application date and when the Trustee receives the application and funds.

Issue Date Sales Period CSB Series
Nov. 1, 2007 October 1 to November 1 Series 108
Dec. 1, 2007 November 2 to December 1 Series 109
Jan. 1, 2008 December 2 to January 1 Series 110
Feb. 1, 2008 January 2 to February 1 Series 111
March 1, 2008 February 2 to March 1 Series 112
April 1, 2008 March 2 to April 1 Series 113

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Q: How is interest earned on a CSB purchased under the Payroll Savings Program?
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A CSB series purchased under the Payroll Savings Program accrues interest on a daily basis based on the outstanding closing balance for that series, until the earlier of maturity and redemption, at the interest rate determined by the Minister of Finance for that series and period. The principal amount upon which interest is calculated will change from time to time: 1) by the addition of regular payroll deduction amounts to the principal; and 2) by the subtraction of redemption amounts from the principal. For example, if an employee has $100 deducted from his/her monthly pay at the start of each month to purchase a particular CSB series, the interest accrued during the first month will be based on $100, during the second month it will be based on $200, during the third month, ... etc. until the end of the year, if no redemptions are made.

Secure Online Access to your Bonds
The Canada Savings Bond
The Canada Premium Bond
RRSP option
RRIF option
General Information
Ordering bonds over the Internet
Payment options for ordering bonds over the Internet
How to purchase bonds as a gift
Payroll Savings Program

Updated:    2005 07 11
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