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Arts Section - Resources

Funding Information

The Arts Section supports and encourages the development of the visual, literary and performing arts in the Yukon. We are responsible for the administration of four funding programs.

Advanced Artist Award

This award provides funding to individual artists to pursue personal artistic development through art creation, training or travel. Funding contributes to Yukon visual, literary or performing artists of a senior level of artistic development and with a history of publicly presented work. For more information, click here to go to the Advanced Artist Award page.

Yukon Arts Funding Program

This program provides operating funding to arts organizations with ongoing and year-round projects and activities. Application and Guidelines are available here:

Arts Fund

Project funding that addresses the creative development of the arts to arts collectives, organizations and non-profit societies. Application and Guidelines are available here: 

Cultural Industry Training Fund

Funding for cultural industries members to address training needs that allow for economic activity (i.e. employment) or to increase productivity and service in the "for profit" or "labour force" component of the arts or cultural industries sector. Downloads:

Arts Section Library

The Arts Section has a lending library of journals, books and videos and maintains a pamphlet file on government programs related to the arts. Please drop by the office at 100 Hanson Street in Whitehorse and discover what is available.

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Tourism and Culture
Cultural Services - Arts Section, L3

Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Phone: (867) 667-8589
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 8589
Fax: (867) 393-6456

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 16-01-2006