Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Award Programs

Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio offer awards that acknowledge and reward outstanding achievements in a variety of areas. Some award programs are sponsored in part by the Department or are delivered in partnership with private institutions.

Industry Canada

Regional and Rural Development Initiatives

Music and Film in Motion — Northern Ontario Music and Film Awards Program
The Northern Ontario Music and Film Awards Program was created to recognize and celebrate talent in the Northern Ontario music and film community and to showcase the artists on a regional, provincial, and national level.

Regulations and Standards

The James H. Bocking Memorial Award
The award is presented annually for the best scholarly paper on a subject directly relating to Canadian competition law or policy.


Federal Partners in Technology Transfer (FPTT) — Awards
Established in 1998, the annual awards reflect the best practices employed by individuals in the public and private sectors, whether separately or as a team, to develop techniques, services and products that create jobs in Canada and new markets beyond our borders.

Youth Initiatives

Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) — Young Entrepreneur Awards
The foundation's Young Entrepreneur Awards include categories such as Best New Business Award, Fastest Growing Business, Community Leadership Award, Outstanding CYBF Mentor Award, and CYBF Entrepreneurship Champion Award.

Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education (ECE)
The Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education (ECE) were launched in 2003 to honour outstanding educators who, through their dedication and skill, are giving children an important head start that helps them succeed at school.

Prime Minister's Awards (PMA) for Teaching Excellence
Since 1993, the Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence have recognized the efforts of outstanding teachers in all disciplines who instill in their students a love of learning, helping them excel and build a successful future.

Industry Portfolio