Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Showcasing Artistic Excellence in China - The 2008 Beijing Cultural Olympiad Information Document - June 29, 2007

There are two traditional pillars of the Olympic movement - sport and culture. As such, alongside every Olympic Games, a Cultural Olympiad takes place presenting a celebration of arts and culture. The 2008 Beijing Cultural Olympiad will run from April to September 2008.

The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee (BOCOG), the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Beijing Municipality (the organisations responsible for all Beijing Olympiad cultural activities) provided DFAIT with the following contacts for those Canadian agents/artists interested in investigating possible opportunities to participate in the Beijing Cultural Olympiad. If interested please contact these organizations directly.

1) The China Performing Arts Agency and the "Meet in Beijing Festival"

The China Performing Arts Agency (CPAA) is responsible for organising the "Meet in Beijing Festival" in May/June 2008 as well as a variety of high quality performances that will take place from April to September, 2008. The CPAA has been asked to submit a final performance programme to the Chinese Ministry of Culture by July 31, 2007. The "Meet in Beijing Festival" will include theatre performances, outdoor performances, visual arts and sculpture exhibitions.

Mr. Wang Long
Assistant to General Manager
CNT Manhattan Building, Room 919
6 Chaoyangmen Beidajie
Beijing 100027, P.R.China
Tel: (86-10) 8528-2264
Fax: (86-10) 8528-2265
Mobile: (86) 1380 1335 998

2) BMF Arts Foundation and the "Beijing Music Festival"

The "Beijing Music Festival" (BMF) will occur in September/October 2008 and is managed by the BMF Arts Foundation. The festival presents classical music of a very high standard. The BMF Arts Foundation also organises contemporary music concerts.

Ms. Lai Shu Chun
Program Department
4F, Sunjoy Mansion
N.6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100020, P.R.China
Tel: (86-10) 6593 0250 ext 110
Fax: (86-10) 6593 0249
Mobile: (86) 1391 0954 049

3) The Beijing Municipality Arts and Culture Foundation - Drama Season and International Dance Festival

The Beijing Municipality Cultural Bureau will support a drama season (April/May 2008) organised by the Beijing Municipality Arts and Culture Foundation.

The Beijing Municipality Arts and Culture Foundation is also in charge of an annual International Dance Festival. Dates for 2008 are to be announced.

Ms. Wang Jue
Vice Secretary General
N.30, Shangyuan Cun, Haidian District
Beijing 100044, P.R.China
Tel: (86-10) 6225 4284
Fax: (86-10) 6605 7229
Mobile: (86) 1360 1333 382

Funding Sources for Beijing Cultural Olympiad:

Note that the Chinese government, through various agencies, has a limited budget for Cultural projects during the Beijing Cultural Olympiad. The Chinese may cover costs such as accommodation, per diem and local transportation, but will not cover performance fees. The Canadian government, through the DFAIT Promart grant program, may cover touring costs such as a portion of travel and cargo costs.

Current Promart program guidelines encourage artists to tour to specific geographic areas (e.g. China) or to present projects tied to thematic priorities. Please consult for criteria prior to submitting an application.

Contact Information for DFAIT/PCR:

Contact Information for the Cultural Section of the Embassy of Canada in Beijing: