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The research and analytical services listed below are performed for a fee.

For general business information, contact:

Geoff Murphy
Manager, Business Development Office
CANMET Energy Technology Centre
Natural Resources Canada
1 Haanel Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1M1


Advanced Controls, Simulations and Emissions (ACSE)
Bruce Clements
Simulation, design and control of combustion and energy systems (such as furnaces and boilers) to: reduce costs, increase productivity, increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and enhance process integration and optimization.MORE»
Characterization Laboratory
The Characterization laboratory (CL) specializes in the analysis of process-derived chemicals, fuels, biofuels and biomass products, fuel-related products and by-products in the solid, liquid or gaseous states. Registered to ISO 9001:2000, the laboratory conducts physical, chemical, elemental, spectroscopic, chromatographic and molecular characterization and data interpretation. It also provides analytical services directly to clients, often adapting specialized techniques to suit special circumstances. MORE»
Combustion Measurements and Kinetics
Pat Hughes

CARS Laser Based Temperature Measurements in the Tunnel Furnace

Comparison of the Combustion Profile of Petroleum Coke with that of Two Coals
Advanced measurement techniques used in flames include cooled probes (intrusive) and optical and laser based (non-intrusive) methods. The cooled probes are used to measure mean values of temperature, composition (O2, CO2, CO, SOx, NOx, CxHy, HCN, NH3 and other intermediate species) and velocity. The optical and laser based probes are used to measure incident radiant flux, flame emissivity, flow velocity and turbulence values (laser Doppler velocimetry), spatially and temporally resolved temperature and composition (coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy) flow and spray characteristics (laser sheet visualization (LSV) and high speed photography) and flame spectroscopy. These techniques have been used to design and characterize burners and fuel combustion and evaluate flow and combustion simulation models. MORE»
Energy Technologies for High-Temperature Processes (EHTP)
Dr. John Price

Coal evaluation for coke making, designing coal blends for better blast furnace operation, predictive modeling of coal/coke properties, chemical, petrography and thermal rheology of coals and cokes are some of the services provided by EHTP. Collaboration with the private sector has resulted in research that has helped to develop and advance Canada's coal and steel-making industries keeping them competitive. MORE»
Energy Technology Applications Group (ETAG)
Paul Dockrill


Karen Bryson
The Energy Technology Applications Group (ETAG) provides project management, evaluation, design, modification and retrofit of energy systems (e.g., building heating and cooling; distributed electricity generation, etc.)
Flare Test Facility
Peter Gogolek

Operational since 2000 the Flare Test Facility (FTF) was created to characterize the emissions from solution gas flares and to develop more efficient technologies. The scope has expanded to include industrial flares. This is a flexible apparatus in which the effects of wind speed, turbulence intensity, fuel flow rate and composition, liquids carry-over, inert diluents and flare tip design are investigated. The FTF is unique in the world for its scale while fully controlling the experimental conditions. MORE»
Fluidized Bed Combustion-Gasification (FBC-G)
Dr. Edward John Anthony (Ben)
The Fluidized Bed Combustion-Gasification (FBC-G) team has worked with industry in planning and running of full-fledged demonstration programs, as well as in specific areas of testing such as: combustion/gasification product analysis; sulphur sorbent hydration/reactivation; development of mathematical models; generation of combustion/gasification performance data on Canadian coals, coke from oil sands upgraders and pitch residues from hydrocracking; troubleshooting of industrial-scale fluidized bed combustors; and assessment of the feasibility of applying fluidized bed combustion technology to specific industrial sites.MORE»
Instrument/Controls and Analytical Lab Support Group
Bob Dureau
Instrument/Controls and Analytical Lab support Group performs analyses to support the Clean Fossil Fuels and Power Generation program at CETC - Ottawa. However our services are available to the public. We perform a variety of experiments both on bench and pilot scale processes, as well as a variety of chemical tests on solid fuels.MORE»
Eddy Chui
Developing, advancing and applying a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling capability for the purpose of design, optimizing performance, resolving operational problems, assessing risks, improving efficiency, reducing emissions and researching new approaches in energy-related technologies. MORE»
Vertical Combustor - CO2 Capture

Kourosh Zanganeh

The pilot-scale (1 MBTU/hr, 0.3 MWth) Vertical Combustor Research Facility was built to conduct research in oxy-fuel combustion. Using different coals and natural gas, we found that it is possible to achieve a flue gas stream enriched with 98% of CO2 while maintaining the characteristics of conventional combustion. With its advanced equipment, the Vertical Combustor has also been used for various clients to test their combustion and flue gas cleaning technologies. This flue gas stream can be completely captured for sequestration, leading to a zero-emission power plant. MORE»

Full Descriptions

Advanced Controls, Simulations and Emissions (ACSE)

Simulation, design and control of combustion and energy systems (such as furnaces and boilers) to: reduce costs, increase productivity, increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and enhance process integration and optimization.

Our services include: Hysys and Aspen simulation; boiler and furnace modelling; process design and analysis; combustion and heat transfer analysis; identification of technical opportunities and economic impact evaluation; control systems development; systems analysis; data acquisition; instrumentation; data mining and statistical analysis; expert systems technology; neutral networks; fuzzy systems; multivariable control; software design; commissioning and acceptance testing; and consultation and third party assessment.

Our Products are: lower furnace model for the analysis of boiler furnace sections (can be used for both oxy fuel and air fired applications); upper furnace model for reheater, superheater and econimizer sections of boilers (can be used for both oxy fuel and air fired applications); regenerative air heater model which shows the complete heat transfer of regenerative air heaters such as Ljungstrom air heaters; combustion models (for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels); steam property tables; and combined space and water heating systems (G2 model).

Some of our recent projects have been: modelling of air fired performance of boiler systems; direct reduced iron (DRI) process development; design of combined space and water heating systems; ash monitoring and intelligent sootblowing for coal-fired power plants; NOx/CO optimization; burner diagnostic and optimization; parametric emissions monitoring (PEM); process upset prediction; scrubber optimization; baghouse optimization; and fuel selection advisory systems.TOP»

Characterization Laboratory

The Characterization laboratory (CL) specializes in the analysis of process-derived chemicals, fuels, biofuels and biomass products, fuel-related products and by-products in the solid, liquid or gaseous states. Registered to ISO 9001:2000, the laboratory conducts physical, chemical, elemental, spectroscopic, chromatographic and molecular characterization and data interpretation. It also provides analytical services directly to clients, often adapting specialized techniques to suit special circumstances.

The Characterization Laboratory analyzes samples from bench and pilot-scale research, supporting CETC's technology programs. Its capabilities include a broad range of spectrometric, chromatographic and classical analytical techniques, the use of which is supported by a comprehensive quality assurance program. The delivery of analytical services in support of CETC programs includes conducting American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and other standardized test procedures.

The laboratory is also involved in research and development supporting the NRCan sustainable development goals including particles research to supply source emission profiles for apportionment of particles due to transportation sources in ambient air.

Our team is comprised of Research Scientists, Chemists, and Chemical Technologists with extensive experience in the analysis of fuel related samples. This experience is applied in the team's ability to modify known methods and to develop new ones to meet a particular analytical need. Members of the Characterization Laboratory participate in setting national and international standards for fuels and analytical procedures. They are also actively involved in NIST/EPA PM2.5 Working Group for organic speciation and Air Quality projects with Environment Canada.

The laboratory is equipped with modern analytical instrumentation for performing routine analytical test methods. By acquiring state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, such as an analyzer capable of analyzing ultra-low level sulphur fuels (ppb levels), the analytical capabilities are kept current with industry standards. Other instrumentation includes Thermogravimetric Analysis coupled with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR), X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), gas chromatographs (GC) fitted with various detection systems including flame ionization (FID), flame photometric (FPD), and nitrogen-phosphorous (NPD) and medium resolution mass selective detectors (MSD). The lab's GC-FID system is configured with a complete simulated distillation package. The laboratory's high resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometer (HRGCMS) is capable of obtaining accurate mass to charge ratio of molecular fragments and permits the quantification of trace dioxins, furans, poly aromatic hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls found as environmental contaminants and detecting trace biomarkers in air particulate matter.

With active involvement in standards development and research into novel analytical techniques and methodologies, the Characterization Laboratory strives to meet the unique needs of the energy technology R&D programs. TOP»

Combustion Measurements and Kinetics

Advanced measurement techniques used in flames include cooled probes (intrusive) and optical and laser based (non-intrusive) methods. The cooled probes are used to measure mean values of temperature, composition (O2, CO2, CO, SOx, NOx, CxHy, HCN, NH3 and other intermediate species) and velocity. The optical and laser based probes are used to measure incident radiant flux, flame emissivity, flow velocity and turbulence values (laser Doppler velocimetry), spatially and temporally resolved temperature and composition (coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy) flow and spray characteristics (laser sheet visualization (LSV) and high speed photography) and flame spectroscopy. These techniques have been used to design and characterize burners and fuel combustion and evaluate flow and combustion simulation models.

The Entrained Flow Reactor (EFR) is a long tube furnace which is used to measure the combustion rates and temperature dependencies (combustion kinetics) of various fuels, the transformation and deposition tendencies of the mineral matter in coals and the detailed combustion phenomena of fuel droplets. The information from the EFR is used in models to predict the combustion behaviour of coal, oils (bio-oil and distillate) and the deposition and fouling behaviour of ash in various combustion devices. The EFR has a residence time of about 2 seconds and can achieve temperatures of about 1450 oC. As a result the EFR provides a high temperature environment with independent control of residence time, temperature and gas composition (inert, oxidizing or reducing). Different probes can be used to extract samples at various stages of reaction to study reaction performance. As well it is possible to photograph the material inside the EFR to get a physical record of the reaction process. Coal and petroleum coke kinetics have been measured using the EFR. Ash transformation and deposition predictive techniques have been developed and evaluated using the EFR. Droplet combustion models have been developed for Bio-oil and distillate oils.

The Burner Test Facility (BTF) can test semi-industrial scale burners using advanced laser-based measurement techniques such as LDV and LSV. A windowed enclosure is used to study jet mixing and flow field velocities in burners designed to operate at around 1.0 Mw. Measurements in these tests are used to design and model the performance of the burner in full-scale combustors. High speed photography is used, sometimes in conjunction with LSV, to characterize nozzle atomization for liquid fuel fired burners. A low NOx burner and a for use with coal and a burner for the exhaust duct of a gas turbine have been designed using the BTF.

Flame spectroscopy measurement techniques are used to characterize flames at the industrial scale. The emitted radiation from a flame is used to identify chemical species in the flame and to measure flame properties such as air to fuel ratio and flame temperature. The CANFICS system uses spectroscopy to monitor and advise on the control of industrial burners. CANFICS has been developed on semi-industrial burners and can be used for any fuel (natural gas, coal or oil). TOP»

Energy Technologies for High Temperature Processes (EHTP)

Coal evaluation for coke making, designing coal blends for better blast furnace operation, predictive modeling of coal/coke properties, chemical, petrography and thermal rheology of coals and cokes are some of the services provided by EHTP. Collaboration with the private sector has resulted in research that has helped to develop and advance Canada's coal and steel-making industries keeping them competitive.

With a coking oven on site, we are able to run a variety of investigations - from coal analyses (e.g., coal expansion and coking pressure) to consultations on designing coal blends to improve coke quality for better blast furnace operations. Coal and coke are evaluated to ISO, JIS and ASTM standards.

With static and dynamic blast furnace computer models and pulverized coal injection pilot plant facilities, EHTP can model and evaluate the suitability of coal blends and alternate fuels for injecting to blast furnaces.

EHTP is a National Research Facility for Metallurgical Fuels Research and is world-renowned. Our team of scientists and unique facilities have attracted several domestic and international partners. Our metallurgical coal expertise has developed many international research projects with clients that include: ISPAT-Inland Steel (USA), AHMSA (Mexico), Bao Shan Steel (China), BHPB (Australia), Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan), CORUS (U.K. and Europe), SAIL (India). Canadian partners and clients include the Canadian Carbonization Research Association, Dofasco, Algoma Steel, Elk Valley Coal Ltd., and Stelco. Smaller Canadian coal exploration companies such as NEMI, Grande Cache coal and Western Canadian coal corp. use the facilities for resource assessment and fuel evaluation. TOP»

Energy Technology Applications Group (Tentative Group Title) (ETAG)

The Energy Technology Applications Group (ETAG) provides project management, evaluation, design, modification and retrofit of energy systems (e.g., building heating and cooling; distributed electricity generation, etc.)

ETAG can provide advice on building energy efficiency, energy cost saving measures, greenhouse gas mitigation, cogeneration, renewable energy systems, life-cycle cost analysis, contract/contractor management, non-destructive testing and analysis, turnkey project management and feasibility and retrofit studies. The group also focuses on reducing heating plants NOx emissions by identifying low NOx technology opportunities and increasing overall heating plant and individual boiler efficiencies.

The group supports primarily Government of Canada departments and crown corporations. Other clients include provincial and municipal governments, universities, hospitals and engineering consultants.TOP»

Flare Test Facility

Operational since 2000 the Flare Test Facility (FTF) was created to characterize the emissions from solution gas flares and to develop more efficient technologies. The scope has expanded to include industrial flares. This is a flexible apparatus in which the effects of wind speed, turbulence intensity, fuel flow rate and composition, liquids carry-over, inert diluents and flare tip design are investigated. The FTF is unique in the world for its scale while fully controlling the experimental conditions.

The combustion gases can be sampled as a stack-average or at discrete locations near the flame. The samples are analysed continuously for O2, CO2, CO, SO2, NOx, CH4 and non-methane hydrocarbons. Particulate loading is measured by isokinetic sampling. More specialized sampling and analysis has been performed for VOCs and PAHs in cooperation with the River Road Laboratories of Environment Canada. TOP»

Fluidized Bed Combustion-Gasification (FBC-G)

The Fluidized Bed Combustion-Gasification (FBC-G) team has worked with industry in planning and running of full-fledged demonstration programs, as well as in specific areas of testing such as: combustion/gasification product analysis; sulphur sorbent hydration/reactivation; development of mathematical models; generation of combustion/gasification performance data on Canadian coals, coke from oil sands upgraders and pitch residues from hydrocracking; troubleshooting of industrial-scale fluidized bed combustors; and assessment of the feasibility of applying fluidized bed combustion technology to specific industrial sites.

At CETC-O, development of fluidized bed combustion technology is supported by in-house pilot-scale research, by contract research at both fundamental and pilot-scale levels, and by technical support of major demonstration projects. Laboratory- and bench-scale reactors are used to provide essential data on combustion/gasification reactivity of various feedstocks and blends, determination of sulphur-capture characteristics and reactivation potential of sorbents, etc.

The performance of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) and cogeneration plants can be simulated using computer models based on ASPEN software. The models can also simulate the gasification of municipal wastes and refinery residues. Additional modelling capabilities include the Facility for Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics (F*A*C*T). This model has been used to predict formation of emissions during gasification and combustion of several fuel types.

The newly renovated pressurized, entrained bed gasification pilot plant (0.35 MWt) acts as an economical test bed for utility and industrial clients, and can provide essential information such as cold gas efficiency, yield and composition of produced gas and gaseous and solid emissions. The unit is capable of accepting solid and slurry feedstocks and can operate at 15 bar and 1800°C. Planned additions to this modular plant will allow pilot-scale testing of hot gas cleanup, syngas shift reforming, hydrogen production, and CO2 capture.

Pilot-scale facilities at FBC-G, in addition to the entrained gasifier, include: a circulating fluidized bed combustor with a bed area of about 0.12 m2 (0.8 MWt) and a bubbling fluidized bed combustor with a bed area of 0.8 m2 (1 MWt), which are equipped to fire solid and liquid fuels (with and without sulphur capture sorbents). All units are fully instrumented, with the fluidized bed combustors able to monitor pollutant formation, combustion performance, heat transfer characteristics, and metal wastage of heat transfer surfaces by corrosion/erosion mechanisms.

FBC-G also offers expertise in paper and experimental studies on optimization of units in gasification processes for zero emission electricity generation, CO2 chemical looping processes, process risk reduction and performance enhancement, characterization of Canadian fuels, optimization of gasification parameters, process economics, and pilot-scale R&D.TOP»

Instrument/Controls and Analytical Lab Support Group

Instrument/Controls and Analytical Lab support Group performs analyses to support the Clean Fossil Fuels and Power Generation program at CETC - Ottawa. However our services are available to the public. We perform a variety of experiments both on bench and pilot scale processes, as well as a variety of chemical tests on solid fuels.

We have the capacity to perform characterizations of solid fuels and combustion by-products. Our facilities include: mercury analysers to handle both liquid and solid samples, as well as mercury generators for bench and pilot scale experiments; ion chromatography for anions/cations (Cl, F, Br, NO3, NO2, SO3, SO4, CN, NH3); automatic titration systems for alkalinity, carbonate and bicarbonate analysis; methods for determining major, minor, trace and ultra-trace elements in fuel and deposits with access to ICP-ES, ICP-MS, ICP-HYD-MS. Other procedures we perform comprise: TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) for the mobility of both organic and inorganic contaminants present in solid and multiphasic wastes; and sequential leaching procedures for speciation of trace elements in fuels and combustion by-products.

Another major area of work is the isokinetic sampling and analysis of stack emissions from pilot scale combustion boilers. We perform a range of EPA (M-5) emission sampling methods as well as in-house methods i.e., total particulate in flue gas; total mercury as well as elemental and oxidized using Method 29 and the Ontario Hydro Method; multiple trace metals (As, Se, Pb, Cd, Sb etc) in flue gas and particulate; acid gases (Cl2, HCl, Br2, HBr, HF, SO3, SO2, NOx) and ammonia in stack gas and particulate; semi-volatile (dioxins, furans) in stack gas; volatile organics (organic compounds with boiling points below 100ºC) in stack gas. We have a fully equipped stack gas emission lab with 10 sampling trains and control units on site for testing as well as a toxic gas sensor monitoring lab able to monitor toxic gases (Cl2, HCN, CO, SO2).TOP»


Developing, advancing and applying a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling capability for the purpose of design, optimizing performance, resolving operational problems, assessing risks, improving efficiency, reducing emissions and researching new approaches in energy-related technologies.

Research areas include: Combustion modelling of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil) and biomass to enhance thermal efficiency for power generation and industrial purposes; oxy-fuel firing and multiple-fuel firing; prediction of pollutant formation (NOx) and strategies to reduce emissions (NOx, SOx, GHGs); thermal radiant transfer; and modelling solid oxide fuel cells. TOP»

Vertical Combustor - CO2 Capture

The pilot-scale (1 MBTU/hr, 0.3 MWth) Vertical Combustor Research Facility was built to conduct research in oxy-fuel combustion. Using different coals and natural gas, we found that it is possible to achieve a flue gas stream enriched with 98% of CO2 while maintaining the characteristics of conventional combustion. With its advanced equipment, the Vertical Combustor has also been used for various clients to test their combustion and flue gas cleaning technologies. This flue gas stream can be completely captured for sequestration, leading to a zero-emission power plant.

Compared to conventional combustion, oxy-combustion involves burning fossil fuels in oxygen instead of air. This method shows great promise for retrofit to existing pulverized coal fired boilers in order to recover the CO2-rich flue gas stream for sequestration. CETC-Ottawa's research has concentrated on understanding how to burn fossil fuels using oxygen in a way that preserves the ability to use conventional burners and furnaces sized for operation using air for combustion. The approach taken has been to burn the fuel in a stream of recycled flue gases in order to temper the flame and establish proper heat transfer in the furnace and boiler passages. A key component in the research program has been to explore the potential for use of a Condensing Heat Exchanger (CHX)R to both cool and scrub the flue gases prior to recycling them to the furnace chamber. TOP»


devon ottawa varennes
gold line
Last Updated: 2007-07-06