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Travelling Exhibitions Currently Available

The Canada Science and Technology Museum offers an exciting line of interactive science exhibitions, ranging in size from 75 m2 to 140 m2 (800 sq. ft. - 1500 sq. ft.). You are invited to enquire about booking these exhibitions for displays. We are also in the process of developing and producing new exhibitions and would welcome collaborative opportunities.

For more information call our Travelling Exhibitions Coordinator at 613 998-5342 or E-mail at:

Bikes: The Wheel Story

Bikes, The Wheel Story Bicycles from the 1800s to the millennium - why have bicycles endured so long? This exhibition explores the ingenuity of this wheeled wonder and celebrates a universal form of transportation and recreation.

Food for Health

Food for Health The exhibition addresses from a consumer's point of view, concerns and questions that many Canadians have about the safety of our food supply and the role of food in their health. This exhibition is being developed by the Canada Agriculture Museum.