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Ontario NCB Programs

Ontario knows that solutions to the problem of child poverty have to focus on building a strong economy focusing on job creation and making sure people have the supports they need to improve their situation. In Ontario, the provincial government and municipal governments have made significant investments in NCB initiatives. Because social assistance is cost-shared between the province (80%) and municipalities (20%), each has a role to play in Ontario's reinvestment strategy.

Provincial Reinvestment - Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families

This program provides a monthly benefit to low- and middle-income families with children under seven to assist with the costs of child care. Families with annual earnings of at least $5,000, or families where parents are in training or attending school, receive up to $91.67 per month or $1,100 per year for each child under the age of seven. Working single parents also receive a supplemental benefit worth $210 annually.

For the latest press release concerning the Ontario Child Care Supplement, go to: www.gov.on.ca/FIN/english/nre-chil.htm

For an information guide on the Ontario Child Care Supplement, go to:

Municipal Reinvestments

Ontario Municipalities are implementing their own initiatives as part of the overall Ontario NCB reinvestment strategy in ways that meet their local needs and priorities. Examples of municipal strategies include Healthy Babies/Healthy Children, Learning Earning and Parenting (LEAP) and Ontario Works Child Care.

Healthy Babies/Healthy Children Program is part of a province-wide network of prevention and early intervention services for families. The program puts into place services to help mothers learn to care for their babies.

The Learning Earning and Parenting Program helps teen parents complete high school by providing help with tutoring, parenting skills, child care, school expenses and finding a job.

Ontario Works Child Care provides financial assistance for child care in addition to fee subsidies to support participation in employment assistance activities and the transition to employment.

Ontario tracks and reports on municipal reinvestments as well as on provincially implemented strategies.

For a copy of the 2000 Ontario/Municipal NCB Reinvestment Report, go to "www.gov.on.ca/CSS/page/brochure/ncbreport2000.html"

Ontario's NCB reinvestment strategy complements a wide range of other programs and supports that the province provides for children and their families. For more information on these programs and services, go to www.childsec.gov.on.ca/ (and click on "Children's Services", then "Pathfinder").

Contact us: mcssinfo@govonca2.gov.on.ca

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