Each week, an online voter who has rated one or more films will receive the DVD box set Canada at War, produced by the National Film Board of Canada. This compelling series shows World War II as Canadians encountered it, from the halting beginning when the country, struggling against depression, accepted the challenge of war, to VE-Day, when Canada emerged as an industrial power. This special 4-DVD set includes 13 half-hour films culled from more than 16 million feet of film shot by Canadian, British, American, German and Russian cameramen. With this rare cache - some captured from the enemy - the National Film Board of Canada undertook the huge task of editing this footage into an historic series. There are scenes in the skies over Britain and Europe, on the campaign fronts of France, Italy, North Africa, the Far East, and on the sub-haunted Atlantic Ocean. The series recalls Canada's part in WWII on the battlefields abroad and on the civilian front at home. Canada at War highlights crucial events from 1936 to 1946, when the Cold War began. This vital era changed the nation and the world.