To participate in the online voting of Make shorts, not war!, you must vote for at least one of the ten films in the online competition on one of the following Web sites: www.nfb.ca/makeshorts.ca, www.nfb.ca/citizenshift.ca, www.youngcuts.com, or www.terminus1525.com.


The contest is open to anyone over the age of 18 as of February 24, 2006. However, employees of the National Film Board of Canada, its contest sponsor, advertising and promotional agencies and their respective affiliates and associates and such employees' immediate family members and persons with whom such employees are domiciled are excluded from this contest.


Everyone who votes will be entered in a draw for a box set. Two names will be selected at random from all those who have voted online for the film contest Make Shorts, not war! Winners will be notified by email, and their prize will be sent after completion of requirements written within the rules. The draws will be on March 3, 10, 17 and 24.


A DVD box set produced by the National Film Board of Canada called Canada at War will be drawn weekly, valued at $49.95.


5.1 The person(s) whose name(s) is drawn as the winner(s) of the specific prize will be required to answer a skill-testing question.

5.2 All prizes are awarded as-is and cannot be exchanged, sold or transferred. No substitutions will be allowed.

5.3 If it is impossible to provide the awards as described in these rules, the National Film Board of Canada, Terminus1525 and Young Cuts, as well as their affiliated companies and agencies, reserve the right to substitute one or more awards of an equivalent value for all or part of the said awards.

5.4 The refusal to accept an award will release the National Film Board of Canada, Terminus1525 and Young Cuts, as well as their affiliated companies and agencies and their employees and authorized agents, from any and all liability.

5.5 The National Film Board of Canada, Terminus1525 and Young Cuts, as well as their affiliated companies and agencies, assume no liability for the loss of short films or for delays, mistaken addresses on mail received, printing errors, poor technical operation, technical mistakes, poor technical quality, software or hardware failures, fraudulent calls or other errors.

5.6 The National Film Board of Canada, Terminus1525 and Young Cuts, as well as their affiliated companies and agencies, assume no liability of any kind whatsoever if their inability to act results from a fact or situation beyond their control, including, but without limitation, a strike, lockout or other labour dispute in their establishments or in the establishments of institutions or businesses whose services are used to hold this contest.

5.7 Participating in the contest or being declared a winner does not imply or create any employment or contractual obligation towards the participant or winner on the part of the National Film Board of Canada, Terminus1525 or Young Cuts.

5.8 The rules of this contest are available on the following Web sites: www.nfb.ca/makeshorts.ca, www.nfb.ca/citizenshift.ca, www.youngcuts.com, or www.terminus1525.com.

5.9 This contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.